Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Committed Change!

I have made up my mind to do one simple yet a very profound thing - 'To live my life totally in Christ and permit everything else to fall apart so that He can set everything that concerns me in His divine order.' I verily believe this is one of the best choices I've made in a long time and you're welcome to join me. Too often we try to include Christ in our endeavors when Christ should be our lifestyle. Many of us claim that it is in Him we live, in Him we move and in Him we have our being. Sadly we don't live our lives in such a manner because we do so much without Christ. There is an old hymnal song which says, 'Without Him I can do nothing. Without Him I'd surely fail. Without Him life would be hopeless, like a ship without a sail.' A ship without a sail is simply a ship whose destination cannot be navigated or steered, it goes wherever the winds blows. This is not the type of life that Almighty God intends for us to live, therefore I have made up my mind to commit myself to a positive and lasting change. To live my life in Christ and no matter how chaotic the world around me becomes, I am knowledgeable of a very pertinent fact, HE created this world in which we live in out of chaos, and God can do the same with mine.

Monday, February 10, 2014


We hear many declarations by various spiritual leaders and fellow Christians and we likewise watch various ministries on television. Not every spiritual declaration is for our lives. While some declarations are universal and conditional, others are just for the local assembly of the spiritual leader. Too often we as Christians, grab and hold tightly onto a declaration which was not intended for our lives and it is because we are out of position. We are down the road or in another place catching the new spiritual drift from another ministry and not where God has placed us. If we will learn to commit, support and adhere to the spiritual instructions of our spiritual leaders where we have been assigned to be spiritually trained and matured; we will not be tossed about with every wind of doctrine. Ephesians 4:14 (NKJV) - "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,..." How often have we told children, "Please keep still, just sit there for are too busy!" The only way we can ensure that we hold our seats is by committing and supporting the ministry and spiritual leader to whom we have been assigned. God is faithful to add to each local assembly those persons needed for the ministry to be effective in every spiritual area. God is also faithful to add to each local assembly spiritual gifts, administrators and ministers to meet the needs of its members and faithful supporters. When you and I fail to hold our seats, we contribute to a need not being met, a work not being properly executed and a people lacking the fullness of their spiritual lives in Christ. We are too easily lured away by each new wave of doctrine and movement and so quickly adapt to what other ministries are practicing. Learn the vision of your local assembly, commit to assisting with bringing that vision into reality for God's glory and practice holding your seat by remaining faithful to the work whereby you have been called. Ephesians 4:1 (NKJV) - "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called..." It does not matter what the other ministries are doing, our responsibility is to assist and support where God has planted us and learn how to hold our seats. It is time for us to stop playing musical chairs and focus on our spiritual purpose. It is also time for all silly games and spiritual immaturity to come to an end. Each of us as followers of Christ and laborers in God's Kingdom must desire to mature and walk worthy of our spiritual calling. It is time for each of us to hold our seats!