Thursday, January 22, 2015


 Judges 16:18 – When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she went and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up once more, for he has told me all his heart.”

You should never be more comfortable sharing your heart with any woman other than your wife. This is a clear indication that something is seriously wrong in your marriage.  Your heart belongs to Elohim, God and to your wife.  It is treason for you to share your heart with any other woman, and this includes your mother.  The contents of your heart are the desires of your soul. Once shared with the wrong person, they can destroy you; because you have given them the ability to weaken you. God did not give you and a stranger dominion, He gave you and your wife dominion in the earth.

It is an insult to share a bed with a woman whom you cannot trust.  Learn to trust your wife, she is your helpmate and no other woman should be permitted to serve you in such capacity. Your wife is bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh and likewise she deserves to be entrusted with your heart. You weaken yourself when you share your heart with any other than Almighty God and your wife.  With these two, you have dominion in the earth and without them you are weak and vulnerable.


            Heavenly Father I am now learning how to properly protect my heart and my marriage.  So often I have been deceived into believing that I can better communicate with other people than my wife.  Forgive me for denying my wife the opportunity to support me and to be my helpmate.  I repent of dishonoring my wife and I ask You to restore a healthy communication in my  marriage.  Deliver me from becoming a prey to others by sharing my heart. Let Your Spirit guide me toward my helper, my wife, my spouse and the one whom You have given unto me to share all of my heart.  Amen. 

Copyright by Pro Type. An excerpt from Connecting With God - Devotional For Spouses. Available at in paperback and kindle. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Heart and Mind of the Victim

Jesus did not only pray for Elohim, God to forgive His offenders but further realized and also sincerely stated the reason why He wanted God to acquit them of their wrong doings.  Jesus said, “they do not know what they've done.”  He didn't focus on His pain, neither did Jesus focus on the shame He suffered, their ridicule and mockery of Him, the grave injustice towards Him or the abandonment by His disciples.  He did not go into detail with the events of His sufferings.  It is this mind and this heart we must endeavor to possess as victims.  This is the reason why whenever we find ourselves in the victim position, not to permit the root of bitterness to enter our hearts.  This evil passion of bitterness, of anger, of revenge will prevent us from possessing the heart and mind of Christ. “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5 - New International Version (NIV). Therefore our challenge and our goal as victims will be to forgive our offenders and also pray unto our heavenly Father to likewise forgive them.  This is a forgiving heart. 

Copyright by Pro Type.  An excerpt from A Forgiving Heart. Book available at in both paperback and kindle.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Vain Pursuits

We were created to incorporate Elohim in everything that we do, every thought, every imagination and every desire. Our lives begin when we plug into God, the source of life. The fulfillment which we so yearn to experience is not found in the things that we can obtain, the goals we can accomplish or the relationships we can establish.   Our emptiness, our voids, that nothingness that lingers is removed or filled when we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  (Excerpt from VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness) Copyright by Pro Type.