Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Are you one of those persons who come as one willing to help, willing to love and willing to befriend someone with selfish motives?  These types of relationships are formed daily and such have left the lives of so many in an emotional and mental mess.  Selfish is the last thought that such a person will have about himself/herself.  Hey...they helped in some sort of way so they are of the persuasion that the offended should be grateful.  

Too often people attached themselves to others and do more harm than good.  So many lives have been wrecked by false friends, rebound relationships whereby people have used others just to overcome their former mate and some get jobs just to get out of a financial rut.  This attitude is selfish in the utmost meaning of the word.  The person who became attached to their relationship with you now have to struggle with filling the void after you've left. The company that thought it had hired help now find themselves back to the drawing board seeking a suitable employee. During this time their  work is delayed and backed up; you having quit because you got what you came for - extra funds. Your selfish conduct has caused a set back in the company. Sadly for the person who was used by you because you wanted to emotionally overcome someone else whom you were involved with...shame on you.  WRECKAGE

While it appears to be very mean to forewarn someone about you, it is very difficult not to because forewarning is not an attempt to defame your character but rather to protect the potential victim. Many people just move on from one relationship to another wrecking lives. Many people move on from on job to another causing set backs in companies. There are numerous of people who have absolutely no idea of the meaning of friendship; these are the worse type of people to ever let into your world. They will wreck your life mentally and emotionally and thereafter wonder what is your problem.  Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. You be like, "Get it over it!"

King Solomon advised that we guard our hearts with all diligence for from it flow the issues of life. Carelessly we have permitted that person with a friendly smile or willingness to help to cause more harm than good in our lives and more set backs than progress.  Are you guilty of being one of those persons who wreck lives, move on and act as if it was no BIG deal?  How many broken relationships have you had, severed friendships and jobs you quit?  Upon examining your life what have you discovered about yourself?  Are you guilty of wrecking the lives of many?  WRECKAGE... lives that have been paralyzed by deceitful, selfish people whose thoughts does not exceed their personal gain, praise or comfort. Who are you and must someone BEWARE?

Friday, May 15, 2015


Whenever the female is sexually active, she is permitting the male to inject whatever he is into her.  The females emotions, thoughts and direction are subject to change thereafter.  This is why so much emphasis in the bible is placed on the female being chaste.  It prevents the male from having to struggle with whatever was injected into the female by her previous mate/mates. Whenever we as females compromise ourselves sexually we are agreeing to allow the male to rob us of our self worth and dignity.

Most definitely the adult female is at the legal age to be sexually involved, but many are  not wise enough to abstain.  It is important for you to come to the complete understanding that as a female you carry whatever the male injects into you. In relation to sex, your legal age of maturity is insignificant.  Life is not about living it in age stages but in wisdom and understanding  your purpose.  Recall the reason why the female was created.  She is the male’s helpmate.  Her purpose is not freedom to roam.  Where are you mentally?  Are you still emotionally immature?  Having sex in the absence of  marriage does not make you a woman or an adult it makes you a fornicator.  Having sex with a married man does not make you  a better wife than his spouse, it makes you an adulterer and a seductress.