Saturday, August 31, 2013


I want you to realize the selfishness of so many people, especially those with whom you  have some level of acquaintance. This happens to us all.    When your acquaintances or friends  are doing well, they are excited, elated, and enjoying their lives and have little to no time to entertain or interact with you.  To be honest most of them find new friends because they don't want to share their experiences of joy or increase with you.  Suddenly you who befriend them, gave a listening ear to their problems, provided a shoulder to lean on, etc become to mediocre to share their joy, increase or breakthrough.  

When things didn't look good for them, they had all the advice in the world to share with you, Watch out for this...don't let nobody use careful of what you say....all men are dogs or all men are alike...women are users....etc. etc. Everything negative is gladly and freely shared...not a problem at all. Hey, were friends you're my girl, you're my boy, I got your back. When things change in their lives for the better, you're no longer their girl, their boy, their spa, or whatever they refer to us as. What happened? They needed someone to dump all of their pain, disclose all of their issues and deposit all of their hurt upon and that was YOU.

Things are better now.  They got a job so they have money in their pockets.  Some one is now interested in them and giving them some attention and affection, so they've overcome their hurt.  They finally got a vehicle so you're not their boy or their girlie anymore.  Suddenly you're BLOCKED.  How often does this happen? Everyday we are used by people who don't value our time, our sincerity, our kindness, our counsel.  My advice to you is to stop availing yourself or pursuing the person. They will be down again, get hurt again, need transportation again, need a listening ear again, need a friend again and when they do remember that you've been BLOCKED.  This means that you're not that person to meet the need, fill the void, share the pain, etc.  Forgive them and move on and use this experience as a lesson well learnt; which is for you not to be too quick to try and solve peoples problems because you don't know why they are suffering. Many are ONLY reaping what they've sown. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Cost

There is a very popular song entitled, "I Give Myself Away" which I verily believe can be interpreted in two ways. The first interpretation is in relation to Christ giving Himself away for the salvation and redemption of mankind - I John 4:14 - 'And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be Saviour of the world.' Jesus accomplished this by dying on Calvary's Cross and thereafter defeating Death. He died that we might have life, and life abundantly and eternally.  

Jesus gave Himself away so that we can use His name, for in no other name can a man be saved, for at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord - Romans 10:9; Romans 14:11. For Jesus' name to be a weapon for you and I to use against the kingdom of darkness, He first had to give Himself away, so that divine power can be attached to His name. He gave Himself away so that we as Kingdom citizens can use the name of Jesus as a weapon against Satan.

The second interpretation is for you and I to give ourselves away so that we can be used for the glory of God, the Father.  We must present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service - Romans 12:1, 2.  We give ourselves away which means we deny ourselves of carnal pleasures that this world continuously offers unto us.  We give ourselves away by refusing to divorce our spouses, by forgiving those who emotionally hurt us, those who physically abused us and the many who defamed our characters. We give ourselves away because we love God and it is our inner most desire for Him to use us for His glory.  When you hear or reflect on the song, "I Give Myself Away" remember that you are only reciprocating that which Jesus has previously done for you. Give Him praise and glory!

Apostle Mrs. Munroe.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How Long Has It Been....

How long has it been since that dream entered your soul? What did you do with it? Did you write down a strategic plan as to how you were going to bring that dream into reality? Too often we put ourselves on the shelf. Too often we become preoccupied with so many frivolous things that profits us nothing and robs us of quality time daily. How long has it been since you said to yourself, "this year is my year" and yet the dream was still abandoned? What will it take for you to become passionate about fulfilling that dream that you know beyond the shadow of a doubt will eliminate some of your struggles and the emptiness in your soul? If you were to count the things which you have allowed to replace your dream... would you go beyond the number ten? If you were to count the years which have passed since the dream was downloaded into your soul, how many years would there be? Some of your desires were directly from the throne of God and for that particular desire or dream to become a reality it will require of you to make a sacrifice of some stuff that is occupying your time, attention and derailing your divine purpose. How long has it been since you have put you on hold and occupied your life with everything else and everyone else? When are you going to do you? I encourage each of you to please learn how to place the right value on your life and also on your time. Apostle Mrs. Munroe

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Mind

I can remember the words to the song, "I work up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus...." When last have you woke up with your mind on Jesus? So many of us wake up with our minds on what we are going to wear to work that day or how many chores we have to execute before 3 p.m. Jesus has not been the first thing on many of our minds for a very long period of time. Our minds have been on our struggles, the emotional pain, the financial challenges, our children, our wayward spouses who are depriving us of marital bliss, family life and spiritual support. Indeed it is a great challenge to wake up each morning with our minds stayed on Jesus. Such challenge is not because of our lack of love for God but because of the preoccupation of the cares of this life. In Matthew 13, The Parable Of The Sower Jesus said that some seed fell among thorns choked the word. He then explained that the thorns represents the cares of this life and the seed is the word of God. What is on your mind, occupying too much space and time? I encourage you to ignore the issues in your life that you most certainly cannot fix. Discipline yourselves to start each day with Jesus on your minds and allow the Holy Spirit to speak a rhema word into your soul at the beginning of each day. Let us indeed wake up every morning with our minds stayed on Jesus. There is no better way to begin your day!