Sunday, November 24, 2013


"In all things give thanks," we have often times heard these words.  They are truly very good words of encouragement but we know as humans it is not easily executed.  In a few days many people worldwide will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  The amazing thing about their observance and celebration of this holiday is that many are not giving thanks.  Most persons are having family reunions, traveling and spending lots and lots of money.  I highly doubt that this was the purpose of the enactment of Thanksgiving holiday.  

First of all I want to elaborate a little on holiday.  Its origin is holy day which indicates to me that Thanksgiving was not enacted to be a shopping spree, catch all the sales and discounts day.  It was a day set aside for giving of thanks unto Elohim God for His mercies, His acts of kindness and love towards mankind. It is Thanksgiving holy day and not Thanksgiving shopping spree, traveling and having fun day.  This holy day, now observed as a secular holiday has lost its spiritual meaning worldwide.  

Many look forward to this day to shop rather than reflecting on  the loving kindness of a holy and  righteous God who looked beyond our faults and executed mercies towards mankind.  Time is spent focusing on the stuffed turkey and glazed ham with canned yams rather than on the Bread of  Life who died that we might have life through and in Him.  Focus is now drawn towards which store has the best sale rather than the blessings bestowed by God throughout the year.  

What has happened to Thanksgiving Holy Day?  It is has been seized and desecrated by the world to mean nothing more than a time to catch good sales, travel, have fun and fellowship with family and friends. Fellowship is good but reflecting and honouring Elohim God during such time is much better.  On this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, many will we  be watching their new 52 inch flat screen t.v., others will be using their new Martha Stewart's dishware, plenty will be having the large spread of food from the sales they caught and while so doing the main purpose as to why Thanksgiving was originally enacted would be forgotten.  

Truly every day that we live we ought to give Almighty God thanks and Thanksgiving Holy Day now observed as Thanksgiving holiday has become secular and not centered around the Creator of the universe. How did we get so caught up in the rush of this world's system? How easily we are distracted with the temptations  and pleasures of this world? It is so  sad  to see and  hear how Believers/Christians are so easily drawn away from the presence of their Saviour and Lord.  How will you spend Thanksgiving this year? Would you spend it as a Holy Day or as a holiday?  In all things let us give thanks. 

Sincere Love

If you feel GUILTY about the love or affection you have for a particular person, this is an indication that your affection is contaminated and not the kind of feelings you should be possessing for that individual.  When you love someone you need not feel guilty about  your affection or provide excuses for having such feelings. If you have to often times explain why you are with the individual, then probably you’re not suppose to be there.  Your many excuses will NEVER justify the contaminated feelings you possess and call LOVE, for truly such feelings is not love; for love is of God and never is accompanied by guilt.  Stop trying to explain why and get your heart, mind and life in order. Excuses will never make it right.  It is only your way of deceiving yourself into believing that the wrong that you’re doing is right. FIX IT!

God is not pleased with us misrepresenting love. He is love and God wants you and I to love people in accordance to His holy word.  The extra marital affairs, the lust, the pornographic thoughts, the acts of fornication, the overwhelming passion you have for a particular person are not in accordance with God’s word.  We must all guard our hearts and put up barriers to ensure that nothing enters therein to contaminate the purity of LOVE that God wants us to experience  and possess for others.  It is each of our responsibility to ensure that our hearts are filled with sincere love. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just Give Thanks

Instead of whining about why it didn't happen, when you wanted it to happen, where  you wanted it to happen and  with whom it should have happen be grateful that God did not allow it to happen because it was not His perfect will for your life,  at the place where you thought was favorable for you  because it was only a distraction and a trap by the devil, which had  the person whom you didn't know truly did not have your best interest at heart.  Thank God for saying NO when you didn't know any better.

Every open door is not an invitation by God for you to have more or experience better, and when the wrong door opens for us as God's children, He closes it.  We may be excited about the opportunity but our God loves us so much He looks beyond our feelings and acknowledges the booby trap Satan has awaiting our entrance.  The same applies to relationship whether friendship, co-workers, neighbors, or a family member,  if the person is a backstabber, trouble maker and extremely deceitful, there is just something about you and the individual that won't connect.  Is it because the person does not take to your spirit?  I doubt this.  I verily believe it is because of the level of harm, defamation of character, slander of name and broken relationships that this person will provoke, God will not allow you to  connect with the person.

I will end my blog with the same words which I used to commence it.......   Instead of whining about why it didn't happen, when you wanted it to happen, where  you wanted it to happen and  with whom it should have happen be grateful that God did not allow it to happen because it was not His perfect will for your life at the place where you thought was favorable for you  because it was only a distraction and a trap by the devil which had  the person whom you didn't know truly did not have your best interest at heart.  Thank God for saying NO when you didn't know any better.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Trusting God

So often we read the Word of God and receive His precious promises with joy. We undoubtedly believe everything to be readily available for us to experience until we have to trust God for the manifestation.

How often have you declared, "By His stripes I am healed" and yet when you have an ailment your first reaction is to get an aspirin or attend a physician. Many of us as Christians or followers of Christ will jump and clap and with exceeding joy say, "God is my Provider!" Although these statements are true, we all struggle with trusting God to manifest the validity of His Word.

Trusting God is not about giving Him one month to solve a life issue and thereafter taking the matter into your own hands. Trusting God is about trusting God even when you run out of explanations, when you have exhausted all of your alternatives and you allow Him to be God, and God alone. Elohim being God alone means that it does not matter what the physician said, it does not matter the high increase in the divorce rate, it does not matter the increase in STD (sexually transmitted diseases), it does not matter the tremendous increase in unemployment. When you get to the place in your spiritual walk whereby you are trusting God, He will be God and God alone to deliver you from whatever life challenges you are experiencing.

I put it to you this month to dare yourself to put whatever challenge, whatever spiritual dream, whatever relationship which need to be restored whether marriage, mother and daughter, father and son, employer and employee, friendship or spiritual leader and follower, give it over to God. Let us learn to trust God in relation to the attributes given unto us in the Word of God, concerning who He is. Can you from this point onward discipline yourself to trust the God whom you have discovered in the sacred holy scriptures?