Monday, November 4, 2013

Trusting God

So often we read the Word of God and receive His precious promises with joy. We undoubtedly believe everything to be readily available for us to experience until we have to trust God for the manifestation.

How often have you declared, "By His stripes I am healed" and yet when you have an ailment your first reaction is to get an aspirin or attend a physician. Many of us as Christians or followers of Christ will jump and clap and with exceeding joy say, "God is my Provider!" Although these statements are true, we all struggle with trusting God to manifest the validity of His Word.

Trusting God is not about giving Him one month to solve a life issue and thereafter taking the matter into your own hands. Trusting God is about trusting God even when you run out of explanations, when you have exhausted all of your alternatives and you allow Him to be God, and God alone. Elohim being God alone means that it does not matter what the physician said, it does not matter the high increase in the divorce rate, it does not matter the increase in STD (sexually transmitted diseases), it does not matter the tremendous increase in unemployment. When you get to the place in your spiritual walk whereby you are trusting God, He will be God and God alone to deliver you from whatever life challenges you are experiencing.

I put it to you this month to dare yourself to put whatever challenge, whatever spiritual dream, whatever relationship which need to be restored whether marriage, mother and daughter, father and son, employer and employee, friendship or spiritual leader and follower, give it over to God. Let us learn to trust God in relation to the attributes given unto us in the Word of God, concerning who He is. Can you from this point onward discipline yourself to trust the God whom you have discovered in the sacred holy scriptures?

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