Friday, August 22, 2014


Often times I sit in my bed looking through my window watching the lives of the people in my new neighborhood.  I also watch the birds as they feast on the debris of food scattered along the street and sidewalk.  I hear the noise from the passing of a variety of vehicles as people journey towards work, school and various other places.

I have  come to realize that in the same manner that I am watching the people and the birds in my neighborhood, Satan is also watching, seeking whom he may devour. Satan and his imps are likewise watching to see whose faith today they can disrupt and alter with seeds of doubt.  He is watching attentively for those who are distracted with the cares of this life to enable him to steal whatever blessings God has sent their way.

I want you to learn that not only is Satan watching but Elohim is also watching. He is observing our actions in each day that we live. He is observing how we treat our fellowman.  God is watching us, observing how we react when under pressure or being tempted by the enemy of our souls.  He is watching to see, if once again we will deny His lordship to please others or deny Him  glory  for us to be accepted by someone whose relationship we have placed a greater value upon.

As I look through my window and observe the people in my neighborhood and birds feasting on the debris of food, I realize that we are likewise being watched.  Satan is watching us, he is observing how we likewise feast on his lies, embrace his temptations and deny our God, Elohim.  Our heavenly Father is watching, He is observing how we start each day, whether with prayer and praise or with complaints and ungratefulness. Elohim is watching, He is observing how we feast on His acts of kindness and love towards us and His holy word.  Know today that there three groups  observing your life daily.  One - God and His heavenly host, two - Satan and the kingdom of darkness and three - the people around you on a daily basis.  What are you displaying?

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