Saturday, October 18, 2014


A few weeks ago while walking in my back yard, I noticed this long scaly skin at the side of my concrete steps.  It was the old skin of a snake.  At first I had an uncomfortable feeling of a snake being in my yard especially after staring at the length of its old skin.  Shortly thereafter the Holy Spirit comforted me.

It was an unusual comfort because no one in their right mind with children who play in their backyards would find any comfort in discovering the old skin of a snake at their steps.  I picked it up with a stick and spread it out so I can learn of its full length.  It was a good size, big enough to cause fear for any person who is afraid of snakes.  

After discovering its size I sat on my steps and the Holy Spirit began to comfort and minster unto me. He told me that the snake needed something rough to enable it to shed its old skin. I also learnt that it was of grave importance for the old skin to be shed because the snake was carrying around dead weight.  Wow! What an eye opener.  While I thought God had forgotten all about me because  my deliverance appeared to be delayed, He was there all the time.

My diversity of trials were rough, but they were also for my good.  I could not shed the old me without the presence of some rough times in my life.  Those difficult and challenging days were needed so the new me can come forth.  There were days when I thought I could not endure another trial, or another set back.  There were also  days when I was extremely frustrated with God, and very angry as well.  After understanding why the snake was in my yard, I began to appreciate those rough days in my life.  They have been very rough but they have also been extremely beneficial for me.   Next time you experience some rough days just remember that they are only there to enable you to shed the old man and bring you into your newness of life in Christ Jesus.  Rough days are like the snake that visited my back yard, they are only there to ensure that the newness comes forth and the dead, useless part of our lives are left behind.  I didn't see the snake but I can attest to it having experienced a change for the better.  Welcome your rough days and welcome your change.  It is rough, but it is good!

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