Saturday, April 18, 2015


SOON TO BE PUBLISHED.  Here is a preview of the book. Copyright by Pro Type.

Marriage is not a man-made covenant, it never was and never shall be. The marriage covenant was enacted by God before the fall of Man. There was no need for us as the Church to fight the laws of the land. Our assignment is to fight spiritual wickedness in the realm of the spirit and rulers of the kingdom of darkness who are influencing and deceiving our government. We chose the wrong battle; therefore the war between the LGBT was intensified and their hearts were even more harden toward the truth and the Church. 

My desire first of all is for persons of the LGBT to forgive us as the Church for our lack of love towards them. We have failed. Jesus never exposed the woman who was caught in adultery, neither did He magnify her sin or scandalized her name. We, as the Church are guilty of all of the aforesaid acts and should seek forgiveness both from persons of the LGBT, members of our church, neighbors, co-workers and also from Almighty God. Our assignment is to love every man equally. For God so loved the fornicator and not the lesbian… For God so loved the husband who already had three wives and not the gay man… For God so loved the mother of three children for three different men but not the bisexual… No! “For God so loved the world, everybody with all of their sins, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16. 

How did God give His only begotten Son? He gave Him up as a living sacrifice, whipped beyond recognition, spat on, slapped, scorned and mocked, pierced in His side with a spear, hung on an ugly cross between two criminals in excruciating heat, ridged nails in His hands and feet and a thorn of crowns on His head and you want to have the audacity to not love anyone from the LGBT. If this was not good enough for them to be saved, delivered and set free from their unnatural desires and deception, please tell me what will be enough for them? 

The precious blood of Jesus cries out to the worse of offenders for the salvation of their souls and this includes every member of the LGBT who wants to be delivered. The problem is that the average Church is not ready for members of the LGBT to enter their doors for deliverance and the salvation of their souls. There is a very small number who is willing to minister unto the LGBT for the salvation of their souls in love. Have we so quickly forgotten, “…without the shedding of blood is no remission.”- Hebrews 9:22? We all need His blood and I know that as the Church we sincerely believe that the blood of Jesus Christ will never, ever lose its power. It is able to deliver and cleanse the vilest of offenders and this is why we, as the Church should become perfect in our love towards others

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