Friday, November 13, 2015


With the holiday seasons fast approaching it is very easy for us to lose our focus on  those things that are of grave importance.  Truly it is a great pleasure to have fellowship with relatives  and friends whom we have not seen for months, but the important things of life should not be placed on the back burner.  Too often we sacrifice what is important and needed for a moment's pleasure.  Year after year thousands of people over spend during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This year I ask you to do something different. I also ask of you to challenge yourself to stay within your budget.  

Losing focus is something that happens so easily that without any indication we've been caught in all of the activities that have been going on around us.  We don't realize that we've over spent until it happened and the same applies to time spent having fun.  Too often during the months of November and December of each year thousands of people over exert themselves and are extremely exhausted after the holidays.  

I would like for us all to truly remember the essence of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Remember please, if you dare, the reasons why these holidays were enacted and enforce them accordingly.  I highly doubt that Thanksgiving was all about what we practice nowadays.  Many don't have a heart of gratitude although donations are given to the less fortunate. Too many of us are not wise stewards with our time, finances and energy.  Let us sincerely give thanks this Thanksgiving holiday and during our gatherings tell our family and friends why we are grateful for them being a part of our world. Let us do our best to stay FOCUSED. 

Tanya E. Munroe
Apostolic Teacher
Word Alive Ministries Intl.

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