Thursday, September 5, 2013


Everyone is talking about the increase in crime, the increase in single parented homes, the increase in divorces, abortions and teenage pregnancies, the increase in immorality.  There appears to be much talk about negative issues worldwide.  Few persons whether politicians or clergy offer sound solutions to these problems that we read daily in our news papers, magazines, hear on the radio, watch on the news or discuss at work or with our neighbors.  

These problems cannot be solved until we all acknowledge  the origin or root of the matter.  There is a National Identity Crisis worldwide.  The Americans want to be like the Chinese, The Cubans want to be like the Americans, The Africans want to be like the British, The Bahamians want to be like the Americans, this nation wants to live like the other and so forth.  

Nations want to imitate the other and experience their level of lifestyle, manufacture their type of products or even  better ones.  Nations are copying each other or competing with each other but none are taking into consideration the consequences of their actions.  When The Bahamas decided to connect with America and enforce some of their lifestyles, The Bahamians likewise experienced their down falls, increase in crime, immorality, etc.  When the Americans wanted to compete in weaponry and science with Russia, China and other nations, they became an indebted nation.  When the Cubans and Haitians wanted to live their lives at a higher or equivalent standard of other Caribbean Nations, they likewise suffered loss by death at sea, imprisonment, increase in  fraud and a high level of deportation.  

Many are looking at other Nations and not taking into  consideration the consequences of the decisions and lifestyles of these Nations who attracted them.  Truly America is the land of the free, but my conviction is that America is too free whereby it has little to no moral standards.  Products are assembled and manufactured in Mexico, India, Indonesia etc. yet their crime rate and poverty is extremely high.  Nations are saying , lets make our own products, lets manufacture our own goods, not considering that most places that have factories also have high pollution in the air, and an extreme increase in diseases especially cancer.   Too much infiltration and influence by other Nations has contributed to the many problems we are all experiencing and also witnessing. 

There are consequences for following other Nations and sadly these consequences are experienced by the residents and citizens of that Nation.  Every Nation is experiencing an identity crisis whereby they want to live like the other Nation.  This is what happened to  Israel when  they wanted to be like the other Nations, they wanted a king.   They got their king like the other Nations and they likewise suffered like the  other Nations - 1 Samuel 8 (key verse 19).  Be careful of who you elect  to represent you because whether or not you want to acknowledge it,  there is a national consequence for your decision.  Take responsibility for your actions; which was the decision you made on election day and stop complaining about the increase in crime and all of the immorality that surrounds you.  Many are experiencing the financial challenges, sufferings and pressures in life simply because of who they chose to represent them. The consequences of identity crisis occurred for many through  the Leader they chose. Sadly many failed to acknowledge that that particular person whom they elected wanted to be like another Nation and therefore robbed them and likewise you, denied  themselves and also you the opportunity to experience life in accordance to your culture and citizenship. There is indeed a consequence for wanting to be like another nation. There is most definitely a price to be paid for identity crisis. Do you know who your Nation is imitating?  There is a consequence for failing to set your own standard of living and definition of your Nation and likewise yourself. 

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