Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spiritual Relationship

I believe that the most difficult time in the life of any Christian or Believer is those moments when Jehovah is silent.  We are waiting for an answer to our prayers.  If only to hear yes or no or even wait, we will be relieved and know that our lives are pleasing unto Him. 

We must come to the realization that our relationship with our heavenly Father is similar to our relationships with each other. In no relationship will it always be our way, on our standards, in our time, it just doesn't work like that.  The same applies to God, He doesn't answer us  because it is urgent on our end, or because we know that He can change our circumstances with one word.  

Our relationship with Jehovah is spiritual.  It is a relationship which consists of a variety of conditions.  As our heavenly Father, we must honor God and wait on His instructions and guidance as any parent provides for his child.  As our Healer we must wait on our healing regardless of our physical discomforts.  As our Savior we must come as yielded vessels unto Him realizing that without His assistance we would drown in the sea of sin.  As our Creator we esteem Him as the Greatest, The Almighty God which demands of us reverence.  

Regardless of how we relate to God, we must realize that our relationship with Him is spiritual and we must respect all of His functions and offices.  The most difficult time in our lives as Christians or  Believers is those moments of silence.  However I have learnt that we can endure those times when God is not speaking because they are the times when He is most observant of our conduct.  What is the message that you're sending to Him when you can't get your answer when you want it, can't get  your breakthrough how you want it or have your own way in a situation? God's mouth may be closed and  His hand withheld but this does not mean that His eyes are closed.  Our relationship with Him is spiritual.  Don't let your flesh get in the way!

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