Thursday, April 24, 2014


We all have our spiritual mentors, those who contribute to our spiritual development.  Many of us however become too involved in the mentoring and idolized those whom  God has appointed to our lives for a season.  In the educational system students are given a teacher for each scholastic year. These teachers are assigned to prepare students for their next grade or level in education.  If these students refuse to move on, they cease to develop and to learn those things necessary for their survival in this world's system.

The same applies to each believer in the Church.  We are appointed mentors to assist us in developing spiritually for God's glory.  Too often we have become so committed to the individual or the Church that we inadvertently stagnate our spiritual growth.  We must become spiritually sensitive to discern the seasons in our lives.  Our spiritual mentors are not permanently assigned unto us, they must move and we must do the same.  

We are assigned to ministries and ministers are assigned unto us, together edification and perfection is birth in our lives.  When the aforesaid has been accomplished, it is time to move on to the next level, the next spiritual mentor, and the next step towards perfection in Christ.  Spiritual growth is not about how long you can remain faithful to a ministry or an individual. Spiritual growth consists  of your faithfulness to the call upon your life and your level of obedience unto the Spirit's leadership.  We must learn to embrace the Spirit's guidance when we are being unction to move towards the next level.  This means that for some of us as ministers its another flock, as followers its another ministry, but we must move on. The Word had to leave heaven to become our Saviour. Our Saviour had to leave the earth to become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Saul had to leave the Council to become the Apostle Paul, Elisha left his family to receive the mantle of Elijah, the Prophet and the list goes on.  You might have to leave your job, someone else will have to leave his siblings like Abraham, another might have to attach herself to another ministry and others will have to relocate. All of this is a part of growth. Can God's Spirit lead you towards your next level in your spiritual walk?

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