Thursday, May 8, 2014


So what if he doesn't love you! No BIG deal but rather a position for a GREAT blessing. Jacob didn't love Leah but she was far more blessed than Rachel and Leah lived longer than her as well. Genesis 29:31 - When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb (gave her the ability to prosper, produce and multiply); but Rachel was barren (unable to produce, prosper and multiply) emphasis added.  

So often we allow one relationship to ruin the future of our lives.  God didn't remove Leah away from her spouse, neither did He permit Jacob to send Leah away.  God looked upon Leah's affliction as the unloved wife and positioned her for a blessing in the midst of it all.  Yes Jacob did truly love Rachel and because of this Leah was blessed.  Being the unloved wife and woman does not mean that your life is over, rather it means that you  have been positioned for a blessing.  While Jacob was occupied loving Rachel the barren woman, God was busy blessing Leah's life.  

This is your season to prosper unloved woman! Go and get your blessings! Rachel is going to want your mandrakes. Genesis 30:14 - Now Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes." It is time for you to prosper unloved woman, God has opened your spiritual womb for you to give birth to your dreams.

Eventually Rachel did give birth but nothing in comparison to Leah. The unloved woman and wife's blessings far exceeded the loved woman's blessings.  Redirect your focus. God got you in this one!  Rachel had Jacob's love but Leah had Rachel's attention.  The loved woman is watching how God is blessing you.  Rejoice in your overflow, the loved woman is jealous although she has the man's heart. When he left, God came.  God got you!

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