Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Mothers please do not feel unloved because you didn't get the nice bouquet of flowers, the perfume set or went to the Mother's Day luncheon  at a nice restaurant.  Children appreciating their mothers is not centered around where they take you on Mother's Day or what they do for you on Mother's Day.  We are mothers because God blessed our wombs to provide seed to our husbands. We are mothers so that we can love, care for and provide for our children.  We are mothers so that we can share  in the experience of pregnancy. We are mothers because God granted us the opportunity to raise our children, to watch them grow and most importantly to experience motherhood. It is commanded for children to honour their mother and father and such honor is not only on holidays or during special functions.  Parents our honored when the child respects them, loves them, and cares for them by providing those things necessary for their livelihood. Parents are not honored with material things, so please don't allow the absence of receiving anything material prevent you from recognizing and acknowledging God's blessings upon you in permitting you to be a mother. 

Please don't make your children feel sad because they didn't get you something for Mother's Day.  You've already received the best gift, your children are you gifts from God.  We as mothers must realize that we have been privileged to give birth and raise our children.  As mothers we  need to direct our attention towards God rather than our children and give God thanks for allowing us to have children.  Hanna prayed to have such an experience and likewise Rachel.  Sarah miraculously gave birth in her old age and many used their servants to birth children on their behalf.  

Mother's Day is not about the flowers, the nice presents, or all of your children gathering around to sing your praises or taking you on a nice outing. Mother's Day should be about you focusing on how God has opened and blessed your womb to give birth to a living child.  This Mother's Day I encourage you to break the traditional error of leaving God out of the equation. Remove yourself from the center of attraction and attention and direct your attention, your affection and time towards the One who enabled you to be a mother. Let this Mother's Day be all about Jehovah God.  Don't make your children feel unhappy, don't rob them of their joy because you didn't get what the other mother's received.  This Mother's Day  appreciate the opportunity God gave you and give Jehovah thanks for His blessings. 

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