Sunday, November 16, 2014

REVELATION by Tanya E. Munroe

It was all smiles, hey we've finally met
I told you basic stuff about myself
You did the same
Telephone contacts and addresses exchanged
And off we went to become acquaintances

Wow! This is great, I think I've found a friend
Hours chatting on the phone and online
Lunch dates, social outings to events
We were learning each other
At least this what we both thought

As time progressed we referred to each
other as FRIEND
But were we really friends?
There was so much we didn't like
about each other
Rather than getting closer we erected walls
Time began to reveal something beyond our words
It revealed who we really are

The smiles became fake
The conversations were meaningless
The motives were impure
The time spent together was not fellowship
but rather tolerance
The impurities of the heart were manifested
through actions
There was a revelation

We were not friends
We weren't enemies either
We were just two people who crossed each
other's path for a season and also for a reason
That reason and purpose was fulfilled
There is no need to continue beyond this point
Because such was only a burden on us both
The assignment was completed

Did I change?
I hope I did because my passion is to evolve
into becoming a better person  day by day
Did you change?
Maybe not, I am not sure
I do know that I finally learnt the
the real YOU
It was a revelation

Now what must I do?
I take this revelation of who you are
and guard my heart
I take this revelation of how you've
been treating me and I guard my life
I take this revelation of your motives
and I guard my future
I take this revelation of what you represent
and I guard my relationship with God
You were in my life only for a purpose
The apocalypse has taken place
Now I know why we have met

(This poem is copyright  by Pro Type and written by Tanya E. Munroe)

We must learn that not everyone who come into our lives are for a long period of time.  Some people only come to help us get out of the rut, others come to teach us something that we need to know for that particular time. We must cease from being so clingy and learn the purpose of the individual and thereafter release them.  Not everyone we meet is a potential friend, a potential spouse, business partner, prayer partner etc.  Sometimes we deposit into the lives of others and other times people are depositing into ours and this was the reason for meeting...nothing more.  We must learn how to fulfill the purpose and move on.  

A kind act does not mean friendship.  A welcoming smile does not mean friendship. Receiving financial assistance or a listening ear does not mean friendship.  God sends people to help us in our time of need, this does not mean that they are in our lives on a long term basis.  The same applies to you and I, we are likewise sent to assist and thereafter must learn to move on.  We become too attached to people and fail to move on.  

The above captioned poem was an inspiration after meditating on the volume of people who came into my life and the effect they had.  Not everyone was intended to be my friend, that was a description I gave them.  It was not God's intention for them to be in my life for a long time, that was my desire. What God wants is the goal attained, the assignment completed and the purpose fulfilled for His glory.  This is the revelation I received by the Spirit of God and I must say that it is life changing toward maturity and wisdom. 

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