Saturday, December 13, 2014

LEARNING TO OVERCOME - from A Forgiving Heart

Why haven't we overcome as yet?  We have failed to overcome because we refuse to release our offenders and ourselves from our negative experiences.  Overcoming our pain and shame is as challenging as it is for you and I to have a forgiving heart. We must realize that we don't need to have it all together.  It is alright for us to make mistakes.  It is alright for us to experience hurt every now and then, it is nothing more than a manifestation of the level of emotions connected.  It is alright to experience some shame, this manifests where we've placed our securities.  I want you to know that there is a much better thing for us to do.  The best thing that you and I can do is tear down those idols of ourselves which we've erected and become humble.  He is Almighty God, yet He chose to live His life as the Son of man.  He existed in glory, yet our Lord decided to dwell in a place of poverty and sin.  He is Lord of all lords and  yet Jesus lived His life as a man of instructions.  Jesus made Himself of no reputation and He learnt obedience by the things He suffered. Hebrews 5:8 - "Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (NKJV).  This is what you and I must do. We must learn obedience by the things we suffer.  This obedience includes the act of forgiveness. 

We must discontinue our selfish acts of holding our offenders hostage and thereafter become obedient to that which is required of us by our heavenly Father.  God's desire is for you and I to forgive.  We need to practice forgiveness and it is very important that we possess forgiving hearts.  The pain and the shame will be as effective as we allow it to be. Can we honestly forgive people and ourselves?  We must decide how long we want to carry our emotional baggage because the key to overcoming our pain and shame is having a forgiving heart.  We must free ourselves and also our offenders.  This is true victory and the proper way of moving forward. 

Excerpt from A Forgiving Heart. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright by Pro Type. Book available on Amazon ISBN 9781494808754. Author: Tanya E. Munroe. 

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