Friday, March 27, 2015


It is so sad when the Spirit of the Lord has moved upon the hearts of men to financially be a blessing and they become more focused on the person than the instructions of the Lord, more focused on the sacrifice than the blessings to be received, more focused on the amount than the affect on the person's life and most importantly more focused on pleasing their selfish desires than pleasing God. One day as the children of the Most High God we will learn how to freely give and trust that Almighty God would bless us more abundantly beyond our imagination in return. First we must die unto our selfish, conceited desires. Our failure to give when unction by the Holy Spirit has contributed to many losing their hope in God; this is what happens when we put more value on money than on that particular soul.

You will be surprised how great a blessing  that $5.00, $50.00 or $200.00 would have been to that person's life.  Not everyone wear their problems on their sleeves.  What you see is not always what it really is.  Too often we want to judge people from the natural when God is instructing us to do something spiritual for them.  It is none of our business what the person, family or marriage is going through. All you need to know is that God chose you to be a blessings, that agent of breakthrough and that representative of His Kingdom to remind His dear child/children that He never fails.  But guess what, because of our disobedience we sometimes make God look like a failure because we didn't give when instructed to do so.  So often blessings are delayed not because of God but because of YOU and I; we simply obey when we feel like. We call when we feel like, pray when we feel like, give when we feel like and sometimes simply don't do it at all because we don't feel like so doing. Selfish and disobedient children of God hurts the heart of God and misrepresents His lovingkindness towards His children in need.  

Let us cease from causing so many to lose their hope in God because we have our hope, security and trust in our money. Learn to freely give, practice giving when God tells you to and unto whom He told you to give and also in the amount He told you to give.  Never think that it is too much for that person. It is none of your business why God want them to have that amount. The only thing that should concern you and also me is how quickly we can give, call, pray, visit or do whatever God requires of us to reach that soul in need.   

Thursday, March 26, 2015

VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness

Are you one of those persons who have been a Christian for years and awaiting that awesome experience of God?  You have read in the bible about how the Spirit of God moved upon so many people healing, delivering and blessing their lives.  What about you?  When will you have this awesome experience?  Testimony after testimony of deliverance, financial blessings, persons seeing angels, having visions and feeling the warm, soothing and comforting presence of God - these you have all heard.  

Maybe you might be just like how I was wondering what are you doing wrong.  Have you ever asked yourself the question, "Why not me" or "Why is God taking so long"?  To be honest with you  I have found the answer.  It is not our heavenly Father who is taking long. The truth is we are doing so many things wrong which prevents us from having those spiritual experiences which our souls long for. We pray traditionally, worship with emotions, ponder on useless, empty thoughts, speak so many things against ourselves, work as slaves without a goal or significant purpose, etc.  Most of the times that emptiness that is present in our souls is not because God has delayed our blessings.  It is because we use so many things as an attempt to fill that emptiness in our souls that continuously make us feel incomplete.  

I have some good news for you.  After examining the many avenues that creates this emptiness in our lives I wrote a book to help others overcome as I did.  You don't have to sit and listen to another joyous testimony about how God moved in another person's life and hope that one day you can have a similar testimony.  You don't have to resort to so many things, do so many things as your attempt to fill the void in your life.  The solution to your problem, the remedy for your EMPTINESS is all wrapped up in this book - VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness.  The question now is this, "How much longer do you want to be empty?"

Available at in ebook and also at!online-store/cget/!/VAIN-The-Foundation-of-Emptiness/p/48164267/category=12503685  Put an end to your EMPTINESS today!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Perfect Timing (Excerpt from Connecting With God - Devotional For Spouses)

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 – To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to tear and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. 

We become so adjusted to our daily activities, it contributes to change often taking us by surprise. King Solomon said that there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Nothing remains the same forever.  Just as Spring gives way to Summer and Autumn gives way to Winter, we must likewise welcome the shift of seasons in our marriages. 

There will be times when you and your spouse will be doing almost everything together, and after a while it changes.  This shift is not because either of you lack interest in the other; it is simply because our lives consist of seasons.  The same applies to your chats throughout the day. Your spouse became accustomed to your text messages, conversations on your way to work, pillow talk at night and then there was silence.  Someone became too busy to send or respond to text messages, too preoccupied to chat during your drive to work or too exhausted for pillow talk. 

Your marriage isn’t failing. Learn that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Don’t let the enemy bombard your mind with negative thoughts.  Everything will be alright, the season for working together in unity will eventually return and likewise the time for your good chats throughout the day.  Trust God, trust your spouse and continue to have hope in your marriage because everything has its perfect timing.


Jesus help me not to be anxious for anything and  to learn how to  be content in my marriage.  Guard my thoughts and emotions from thinking negatively and enable me and my spouse to continue to trust each other when change occurs.  During those times when my spouse is not available for our usual activities, Jesus draw me close to You so that I can spend quality time with You in worship. Amen. 
Copyright by Pro Type and available in ebook form at and Pro Type Online Store -!online-store/cget/!/MARRIAGE/c/12503673/offset=0&sort=normal 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

You Can Find It Here!

Are you looking for a great book to read?  Pro Type has recently opened its webstore carrying books about marriage, self-help, motivational and inspirational and also some short reads for the on-the-go person.

Check out our webstore and search the categories to see what we have available for you. Need that special book for your spouse to keep the fire burning in your marriage?  Connecting With God-Devotional For Spouses is your book.  Are you struggling with forgiving that person who offended you?  A Forgiving Heart was written to help you cleanse your heart and mind from that painful experience.  What about Fasting? Yes Fasting.  If you want better results we have a great book on this topic to assist you with obtaining the blessings and benefits from this spiritual sacrifice.

Pro Type offers Tanya E. Munroe's books at reasonable prices and the website also provides encouraging blogs, book previews, advertising and editing services for upcoming authors.  We are here to sell you that next book that you was looking for to add to your library.  Don't just say to yourself that you should start reading a book, let Pro Type help you get started.  We are just one click away.!online-store/cget

Monday, March 2, 2015


Surprisingly so many people are not aware of how this demonic spirit operates.  Too often we take what we see, what we hear and what we experience in our lives for granted.  Rejection can start from within the womb and it is activated by the power that dwells within our tongue; that little member that kindles a fiery fire.
Some of you have been born into hardship.  All you have encountered during your lifetime were closed doors, denied opportunities and depreciation of your self-worth. You’ve done it all, tried it all, learnt it all and still were unable to experience success in your life.  You’ve searched yourself within and without, examined your circle of friends, your mindset and attitude and after improving these areas in your life, you still found yourself wanting. 

Weary, frustrated and ready to quit because nothing worked, not even praying to Elohim, God. You are probably thinking, ‘these are the breaks’.  This is exactly what the spirit of rejection wants you to believe and also want to accomplish in your life.  It wants you to quit, it wants you to devalue yourself and most importantly rejection wants you to become and feel and live a hopeless life.  

Copyright by Pro Type. 

Book available on Thursday, 5th March, 2015 in paperback and kindle at