Friday, March 27, 2015


It is so sad when the Spirit of the Lord has moved upon the hearts of men to financially be a blessing and they become more focused on the person than the instructions of the Lord, more focused on the sacrifice than the blessings to be received, more focused on the amount than the affect on the person's life and most importantly more focused on pleasing their selfish desires than pleasing God. One day as the children of the Most High God we will learn how to freely give and trust that Almighty God would bless us more abundantly beyond our imagination in return. First we must die unto our selfish, conceited desires. Our failure to give when unction by the Holy Spirit has contributed to many losing their hope in God; this is what happens when we put more value on money than on that particular soul.

You will be surprised how great a blessing  that $5.00, $50.00 or $200.00 would have been to that person's life.  Not everyone wear their problems on their sleeves.  What you see is not always what it really is.  Too often we want to judge people from the natural when God is instructing us to do something spiritual for them.  It is none of our business what the person, family or marriage is going through. All you need to know is that God chose you to be a blessings, that agent of breakthrough and that representative of His Kingdom to remind His dear child/children that He never fails.  But guess what, because of our disobedience we sometimes make God look like a failure because we didn't give when instructed to do so.  So often blessings are delayed not because of God but because of YOU and I; we simply obey when we feel like. We call when we feel like, pray when we feel like, give when we feel like and sometimes simply don't do it at all because we don't feel like so doing. Selfish and disobedient children of God hurts the heart of God and misrepresents His lovingkindness towards His children in need.  

Let us cease from causing so many to lose their hope in God because we have our hope, security and trust in our money. Learn to freely give, practice giving when God tells you to and unto whom He told you to give and also in the amount He told you to give.  Never think that it is too much for that person. It is none of your business why God want them to have that amount. The only thing that should concern you and also me is how quickly we can give, call, pray, visit or do whatever God requires of us to reach that soul in need.   

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