Friday, March 20, 2015

Perfect Timing (Excerpt from Connecting With God - Devotional For Spouses)

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 – To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to tear and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. 

We become so adjusted to our daily activities, it contributes to change often taking us by surprise. King Solomon said that there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Nothing remains the same forever.  Just as Spring gives way to Summer and Autumn gives way to Winter, we must likewise welcome the shift of seasons in our marriages. 

There will be times when you and your spouse will be doing almost everything together, and after a while it changes.  This shift is not because either of you lack interest in the other; it is simply because our lives consist of seasons.  The same applies to your chats throughout the day. Your spouse became accustomed to your text messages, conversations on your way to work, pillow talk at night and then there was silence.  Someone became too busy to send or respond to text messages, too preoccupied to chat during your drive to work or too exhausted for pillow talk. 

Your marriage isn’t failing. Learn that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Don’t let the enemy bombard your mind with negative thoughts.  Everything will be alright, the season for working together in unity will eventually return and likewise the time for your good chats throughout the day.  Trust God, trust your spouse and continue to have hope in your marriage because everything has its perfect timing.


Jesus help me not to be anxious for anything and  to learn how to  be content in my marriage.  Guard my thoughts and emotions from thinking negatively and enable me and my spouse to continue to trust each other when change occurs.  During those times when my spouse is not available for our usual activities, Jesus draw me close to You so that I can spend quality time with You in worship. Amen. 
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