Thursday, June 27, 2013

WAM International Website

Thank you so much for reading our spiritual and inspirational blogs.  Your interest in our spiritual materials and/or your subscription to our website is greatly appreciated. We have noted that for several months there have not been any comments, orders placed, prayer requests or emails sent. As a result of the aforesaid, we want to invite you to periodically visit our website at

We understand that the blogs are directly sent to your email address, thus preventing you from viewing the spiritual materials we have readily available for your perusal or purchase.  We would be most grateful for your visit to our website  to enable you to view what is there that can be of further assistance to your spiritual development or education. Send us an email if you need spiritual advice, marriage counseling or help recovering from a divorce, separation or just an enlightenment.

We have icons at the bottom of our webpage which provides you the option to view and/or order CDs, DVDs,  or Books.  We have a Media Library icon that enables you to hear demos of Apostle Munroe's teaching CDs.  WAM International website also provides you the option to  send Apostle Munroe a personal email,  to read Apostle's  tweets or to connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, watch video clips on You Tube with the option to subscribe so that you can view spiritual teaching by Apostle Munroe. Upon the unction of the Holy Spirit or simply from the kindness of your heart our webpage have  at the mid-right side  the option for you to partner with us or sow a seed.  All you need is a credit or debit card and a Paypal account.  If you have neither, not to worry.... you can send us a cheque or money order via  postal mail at P. O.  Box F41738, Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas.  If you have a prayer request, just click the icon also located at the mid-right section of our webpage and we also welcome your letters if you wish to use postal services.  Every Friday Apostle Munroe sets aside specific hours for her to  present your prayer requests before Elohim, God's throne, therefore we encourage you to write or send your request via our website.

We are here to assist you spiritually as best as we can therefore we encourage you  to take advantage of the  services that we have made available on our website-  We trust that you are likewise connected with us to help WAM International reach so many other people who need spiritual help, motivation, or counseling to move forward, mature spiritually or overcome a challenge that is hindering or paralyzing their lives. We appreciate your connection with us and are most grateful for your referrals, comments, prayer requests and financial contributions.  Please get the word out....WAM International is here to HELP.  We humbly ask that you  encourage a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbour to visit or subscribe to website.  May your lives and household continue to experience the mercies and divine favour of Elohim, God.

Word Alive Ministries Intl.
Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe
Apostle & Founder

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What Are You Going To Do?

At a crossroad.  We have all been here and will find ourselves there very often.  Crossroads are those opportunities for us  to make decisions for our lives.  These decisions are not day to day decisions such as what we will wear, what we will have for lunch or what we will watch on television. These crossroads are in relation to career, marriage, family, which church to attend or which faith to follow.

Too often we become cowards and rather than making a decision to move forward, we sit back, relax and persuade ourselves that all we need to do is pray about it.  Philippians 4:6 - Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. We can do this and often times we do it.  Our challenge is not prayer, our challenge is moving or acting after we have received an answer or instructions from God.

Upon reaching the border of the Promised Land, Canaan the Israelites did not pray to God as to whether or not they should go in and possess the land. They sent twelve spies to bring a report as to how they can drive out the inhabitants and possess Canaan which was promised to them.  You've journeyed this far.... You've fasted, prayed, searched and studied the holy scriptures, but you are afraid to make a decision. The thought of you missing God or making the wrong decision have you paralyzed. How can you make the wrong decision when you have already searched the holy scriptures?  How can you make the wrong decision when you have already been spiritually convicted by the Holy Spirit as to what you must NOW do?

Our problem is not that we don't know what to do. Most of us struggle with making the decision to do what we know we must do.  We become cowards and like the Israelites we take additional laps in the wilderness because of unbelief.  We start all over again fasting, praying, studying and seeking an answer.  There is no other answer!  What are you going to do? Either you do what you know is right in spite of your fears or you die in the wilderness.  Elohim, God has no other answer for you.  You either go in and possess that which is promised to you, walk in your purpose, or you die in the wilderness because of unbelief.

Without FAITH it is impossible to please God - Hebrews 11:6; and FAITH without WORKS is dead being left alone - James 2:17.  What are you going to do?  Start all over again because you are afraid to move forward and possess your promise  What are you going to do?  You're two steps away from your spiritual purpose and you look back like Lot's wife.  What are you going to do?  You're flesh and spirit is at war, which one will you allow to win?  What are you going to do? Keep praying, fasting, and studying the holy scriptures and do nothing else but allow your seasons to pass and all your dreams to die.  What are you going to do?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Not About Me

We all struggle with taking our minds off ourselves and focusing on the needs of others.  So often what we call problems are not issues that are detrimental to us, it is just not something we are prepared to live without or not experience.  Most of the things we refer to as problems are so far from being a problem,  usually it is just something not comfortable or desired.

If we often times take our focus off ourselves and realize that what we possess is wealth to another person, we will discover that we honestly don't have problems as we have been persuading ourselves to believe.  What is your problem?  What is your discomfort?  What is it that you can say without hesitation that Elohim, God has failed to provide for or deliver you from?

When you and I come to the place whereby we realize that it is not so much about us, but rather about what we can offer, what we can do or how we can help another person, we will no longer have problems.  Our problems will cease to exist because we will be so occupied with helping others that the minute issues in our lives become irrelevant.

It is time for us to really become persons of service unto others.  This life is not extended to us for you and I to be served, complimented, assisted and blessed and everyone else go without.  It is not about me.  It is not about you either.  Life is about what you and I can do for others. Lets take our focus off of ourselves thus eliminating what we call problems and become occupied with helping  those who are in need.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Kingdom Investment

We all as Christians will agree that there is no better investment for us to make than to invest in our souls by investing in the Kingdom of God.  While this is most Christians persuasion, many of us as followers of Christ will not invest in our souls or in the Kingdom of God. 

We toil and labour every week to obtain wages to meet our financial commitments, savings plan and some form of recreation.  Aside from giving God 10% of our income (tithes) we utilized our funds towards everything else but the Kingdom of God.  The 10% was not a Kingdom investment, it was rightfully God's before you submitted it.  

We as Christians don't view paying  our electricity bill as an investment; it was rightfully that Company's monies for services provided. We also don't view paying  our car note, mortgage or credit card bill as an investment, we submit the funds as payment for monies loan or services provided. Realize that your tithes and offering is not Kingdom investment. 

We will use a portion of our income  to  purchase DVDs and that's an investment because we're adding to our collection.  We will also use a portion of our income and treat ourselves, therefore we invest in our personal lives, and yes we do deserve it.  However, have you realized that as a Christian who claims to be a Kingdom citizen there is no investment on your part.  

We as Christians do everything in our power to make our lives  in this world system comfortable for our flesh, but we so quickly ignore and refuse to invest in the Kingdom of God.  For most Christians when they read or hear an invite for them to sow a seed in a ministry, to become a partner with a ministry or to donate towards missions, or some other spiritual project, hearts are harden, ears are deafened, and pockets are on lock down.  How quickly we will invest in this world which so comfortably opposes our standard of living, and how comfortable we are as Christians to neglect that which we claim to be citizens of, the Kingdom of God.  

To all our subscribers, fellow Christians and friends, please learn today that your life is lacking many of the spiritual benefits ONLY because of your lack of Kingdom investment.  When we purchase shares in a company, we are paid dividends and have benefits or a return on our shares.  You've been waiting to experience the benefits from being a citizen of the Kingdom of God and God has been waiting for you to start investing in His Kingdom.  Endeavour to sow financial seeds, partner with Ministries, support missions and stop investing in everything  that wars against your spiritual convictions and Kingdom benefits. What are you doing with your talents......?  Are you burying them in this world or investing them in the Kingdom of God for a double return?

Monday, June 10, 2013

What A Day That Will Be!

What A Day That Will Be is a very old hymn sung decades ago by our spiritual mothers and fathers and at times in our local assemblies. It refers to that great day when we shall see our Saviour face to face and how it would be  such a glorious day.   The hymn is an anticipation of what is to come spiritually  for those who held onto their blessed hope.  ...............What a glorious day that will be!

What about now?  What about the opportunities we have now for people to see the resemblance of Christ in us.  What about now?  What about you and I availing  to those persons who come along our pathway   who only  needed a friendly smile.  What about today, rather than that glorious day which is to come?  Today, you can forgive that person who offended you and that individual will be afforded the opportunity to understand why we as Christians are forgiven.  Each of us have an opportunity to make another person's day glorious. What a day that will be for him or her?  What a glorious day that will be for  us  to know  that we are  forgiven for  the hurt and pain that we have contributed towards or caused.

What a day that will be when spouses reconcile and restore their marriage.  What a glorious day that will be when neighbours and friends cleanse their hearts from jealousy, envy and backbiting and can seek forgiveness and peace among themselves.  Indeed that hymn, 'What A Day That Will Be' refers to that which is to be experienced when we see our Saviour and Lord face to face.  However I want you to focus on today, I want you to be that representative, that ambassador who  permits that hurting, lonely, sad, or distressed individual to see Christ face to face through you. Let him or her see His love, experience His forgiveness, understand grace, appreciate His kindness through you as Christ' ambassador.  What A Day That Will Be can be today for someone through you.... make someone's day glorious. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Time For A Change

So often we as Christians find ourselves fighting the same battle for years or struggling with the same issue for years.  Whichever it may be there are issues in our lives that appear to go over time.  Within our souls we long for a change.  We fast and pray and hope for a breakthrough and often times nothing happens notwithstanding our faith.  

Indeed battles, struggles and issues are all a part of our lives whether or not we are sincere followers of Christ; no one is exempted.  The advantage however the believer has is their connection with Elohim God through Jesus Christ.  Many times we know that we know that God is able.  The question is why haven't we experienced our breakthrough, our miracle or our anticipated change.  Not until you and I and so many like ourselves have reached the point in our spiritual walk  whereby enough is simple enough, we will continue to wait, continue to pray, continue to hope and probably see no significant change.  

This is the same scenario with the woman who had the issue with blood - Luke 8:43.  Maybe your issue may not be menstrual, but her condition caused her to be separated from her friends, family and dwelling place.  Her issue also rendered her as being unclean and such conditions continued for twelve years.  Did her hope change her circumstances?  Certainly not, she still had the issue with blood. Could the priest or the church help her? Certainly not, because something was also required on her part. She suffered for twelve years and no doctor was able to heal her and  after attending many physicians she was left with no money for any further medical help.  

Maybe your issue might be hypertension, diabetes, or  probably your issue might be unemployment.  It might not be either of the aforementioned, your's  might  be relationship issues or low self esteem.  Whatever your struggles or problems may be, I want you know that sometimes it requires more than just quoting the holy scriptures and having faith...... you must take action.  You  must act in spite of what others say, how others  view you or better yet how you view yourself.  Until you get to the place whereby you must experience your change no matter what, you will continue to wait and to hope.  The woman with the issue of blood only heard that Jesus was in the area, she came out of her  place of restraint, she moved beyond her barriers and she acted out her faith, "If I can  only  touch the him of his garment." If only you can get beyond the battles in your mind, the negative people around you, and the stumbling blocks in your life, you know that you will experience  your change, have your breakthrough and be free.  

In I've Had Enough, a teaching by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Munroe the 'woman with the issue of blood' is expounded for your simple application to whatever your challenges in life may be.  We encourage you to order today from our Media Library; this is a CD worth having in your collection.  Most certainly from time to time we will be challenged and sometimes discouraged, I've Had Enough will activate you to press beyond, rise up above and experience your needed change. We all must learn how to overcome the challenges that we face in our lives.  We must all push ourselves beyond life's limitations and reach out to God.  I've Had Enough is a motivational teaching for any individual who has had enough and is ready to excel beyond the norm, their challenges, barriers and stumbling  blocks.  We encourage you to go to our Media Library and order I've Had Enough today!