Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What Are You Going To Do?

At a crossroad.  We have all been here and will find ourselves there very often.  Crossroads are those opportunities for us  to make decisions for our lives.  These decisions are not day to day decisions such as what we will wear, what we will have for lunch or what we will watch on television. These crossroads are in relation to career, marriage, family, which church to attend or which faith to follow.

Too often we become cowards and rather than making a decision to move forward, we sit back, relax and persuade ourselves that all we need to do is pray about it.  Philippians 4:6 - Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. We can do this and often times we do it.  Our challenge is not prayer, our challenge is moving or acting after we have received an answer or instructions from God.

Upon reaching the border of the Promised Land, Canaan the Israelites did not pray to God as to whether or not they should go in and possess the land. They sent twelve spies to bring a report as to how they can drive out the inhabitants and possess Canaan which was promised to them.  You've journeyed this far.... You've fasted, prayed, searched and studied the holy scriptures, but you are afraid to make a decision. The thought of you missing God or making the wrong decision have you paralyzed. How can you make the wrong decision when you have already searched the holy scriptures?  How can you make the wrong decision when you have already been spiritually convicted by the Holy Spirit as to what you must NOW do?

Our problem is not that we don't know what to do. Most of us struggle with making the decision to do what we know we must do.  We become cowards and like the Israelites we take additional laps in the wilderness because of unbelief.  We start all over again fasting, praying, studying and seeking an answer.  There is no other answer!  What are you going to do? Either you do what you know is right in spite of your fears or you die in the wilderness.  Elohim, God has no other answer for you.  You either go in and possess that which is promised to you, walk in your purpose, or you die in the wilderness because of unbelief.

Without FAITH it is impossible to please God - Hebrews 11:6; and FAITH without WORKS is dead being left alone - James 2:17.  What are you going to do?  Start all over again because you are afraid to move forward and possess your promise  What are you going to do?  You're two steps away from your spiritual purpose and you look back like Lot's wife.  What are you going to do?  You're flesh and spirit is at war, which one will you allow to win?  What are you going to do? Keep praying, fasting, and studying the holy scriptures and do nothing else but allow your seasons to pass and all your dreams to die.  What are you going to do?

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