Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Time For A Change

So often we as Christians find ourselves fighting the same battle for years or struggling with the same issue for years.  Whichever it may be there are issues in our lives that appear to go over time.  Within our souls we long for a change.  We fast and pray and hope for a breakthrough and often times nothing happens notwithstanding our faith.  

Indeed battles, struggles and issues are all a part of our lives whether or not we are sincere followers of Christ; no one is exempted.  The advantage however the believer has is their connection with Elohim God through Jesus Christ.  Many times we know that we know that God is able.  The question is why haven't we experienced our breakthrough, our miracle or our anticipated change.  Not until you and I and so many like ourselves have reached the point in our spiritual walk  whereby enough is simple enough, we will continue to wait, continue to pray, continue to hope and probably see no significant change.  

This is the same scenario with the woman who had the issue with blood - Luke 8:43.  Maybe your issue may not be menstrual, but her condition caused her to be separated from her friends, family and dwelling place.  Her issue also rendered her as being unclean and such conditions continued for twelve years.  Did her hope change her circumstances?  Certainly not, she still had the issue with blood. Could the priest or the church help her? Certainly not, because something was also required on her part. She suffered for twelve years and no doctor was able to heal her and  after attending many physicians she was left with no money for any further medical help.  

Maybe your issue might be hypertension, diabetes, or  probably your issue might be unemployment.  It might not be either of the aforementioned, your's  might  be relationship issues or low self esteem.  Whatever your struggles or problems may be, I want you know that sometimes it requires more than just quoting the holy scriptures and having faith...... you must take action.  You  must act in spite of what others say, how others  view you or better yet how you view yourself.  Until you get to the place whereby you must experience your change no matter what, you will continue to wait and to hope.  The woman with the issue of blood only heard that Jesus was in the area, she came out of her  place of restraint, she moved beyond her barriers and she acted out her faith, "If I can  only  touch the him of his garment." If only you can get beyond the battles in your mind, the negative people around you, and the stumbling blocks in your life, you know that you will experience  your change, have your breakthrough and be free.  

In I've Had Enough, a teaching by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Munroe the 'woman with the issue of blood' is expounded for your simple application to whatever your challenges in life may be.  We encourage you to order today from our Media Library; this is a CD worth having in your collection.  Most certainly from time to time we will be challenged and sometimes discouraged, I've Had Enough will activate you to press beyond, rise up above and experience your needed change. We all must learn how to overcome the challenges that we face in our lives.  We must all push ourselves beyond life's limitations and reach out to God.  I've Had Enough is a motivational teaching for any individual who has had enough and is ready to excel beyond the norm, their challenges, barriers and stumbling  blocks.  We encourage you to go to our Media Library and order I've Had Enough today!

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