Friday, June 14, 2013

Kingdom Investment

We all as Christians will agree that there is no better investment for us to make than to invest in our souls by investing in the Kingdom of God.  While this is most Christians persuasion, many of us as followers of Christ will not invest in our souls or in the Kingdom of God. 

We toil and labour every week to obtain wages to meet our financial commitments, savings plan and some form of recreation.  Aside from giving God 10% of our income (tithes) we utilized our funds towards everything else but the Kingdom of God.  The 10% was not a Kingdom investment, it was rightfully God's before you submitted it.  

We as Christians don't view paying  our electricity bill as an investment; it was rightfully that Company's monies for services provided. We also don't view paying  our car note, mortgage or credit card bill as an investment, we submit the funds as payment for monies loan or services provided. Realize that your tithes and offering is not Kingdom investment. 

We will use a portion of our income  to  purchase DVDs and that's an investment because we're adding to our collection.  We will also use a portion of our income and treat ourselves, therefore we invest in our personal lives, and yes we do deserve it.  However, have you realized that as a Christian who claims to be a Kingdom citizen there is no investment on your part.  

We as Christians do everything in our power to make our lives  in this world system comfortable for our flesh, but we so quickly ignore and refuse to invest in the Kingdom of God.  For most Christians when they read or hear an invite for them to sow a seed in a ministry, to become a partner with a ministry or to donate towards missions, or some other spiritual project, hearts are harden, ears are deafened, and pockets are on lock down.  How quickly we will invest in this world which so comfortably opposes our standard of living, and how comfortable we are as Christians to neglect that which we claim to be citizens of, the Kingdom of God.  

To all our subscribers, fellow Christians and friends, please learn today that your life is lacking many of the spiritual benefits ONLY because of your lack of Kingdom investment.  When we purchase shares in a company, we are paid dividends and have benefits or a return on our shares.  You've been waiting to experience the benefits from being a citizen of the Kingdom of God and God has been waiting for you to start investing in His Kingdom.  Endeavour to sow financial seeds, partner with Ministries, support missions and stop investing in everything  that wars against your spiritual convictions and Kingdom benefits. What are you doing with your talents......?  Are you burying them in this world or investing them in the Kingdom of God for a double return?

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