Tuesday, July 9, 2013


TALK (taken from Situations)

Be careful of what you say about a person
In the tongue there is the power of life and death
What you say about a person can either
Bind them or set them free
Be wise and speak words of love and liberty

Look beyond your feelings and what your
Eyes can see
Before you speak, ask yourself
"Are these the words I want to be said about me?"
So many characters have been distorted
And so many hearts broken
Because of the negative words
which were spoken

Let us guard our lips, our words to be critized
Let us not wait 'til it is too late for the
Effect of our words to be realized
Live and let live and learn to love
Let us be obedient to the command given from above
To love people as we would want to be
And speak those words which enables men to be free

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and they that love it shall eat the fruir thereof - Proverbs 18:21

Copyright by Pro Type

Excerpt from SITUATIONS poetic book by Pastor Tanya Munroe
Purchase your copy today from our website: www.wordaliveministriesinternational.org.

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