Friday, June 6, 2014

Don't Hold Your Breath

Today I took into consideration the many dreams I had along with the many prophetic statements made concerning my life.  Such have been transpiring for years with probably 5% manifestation.  I had no other recourse than to  also take into consideration the validity of my dreams and the prophetic words spoken by others.  My countenance fell for a moment and then I directed my focus elsewhere.  I took into consideration the many prophets in the bible who had visions and didn't live long enough to experience them or witness the manifestation of them.  

Moses never entered the promised land. Isaiah, the eagle eye prophet never saw the Messiah.  John the Baptist never witnessed one of Jesus' miracles and was denied the opportunity to hear Him teach.  Rachel never watched Joseph and Benjamin become men, Joseph, the Carpenter and Mary's husband died before Mary and Jesus, and the list goes on.  Should I hold my breath waiting for the manifestation of my dreams or the prophetic words spoken.  I refuse to turn blue and die from lack of oxygen.  I will not hold my breath because I have come to the realization that not every dream we have becomes reality and not every prophetic word spoken manifests in the natural realm prior to our death. 

Biblical records shows that prophecies will fail...  "...But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part." 1 Corinthians 13:8, 9 NKJV.  I am letting them all go and henceforth will practice living my life as if the words were never spoken and the dreams never happened.  I rather live than to hold my breath and die waiting for manifestations. 

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