Sunday, June 15, 2014


So many people get lost along life's journey simply because they don't know who they are.  We have many who are wavering from one definition to another and this happens because many don't know who they are.  When they are with their friends they have to be something negative probably a drunkard, perverted, criminal, abusive or sensual.  When they are with their family they have to be childish and continue to not have a mind of their own, only execute the instructions of their elders. When they are with the opposite sex they are fornicators or adulterers.  When they are on their jobs they are slaves and do whatever they are told and even those things which are not a part of their job description... We have so many people who exist not knowing who they are and just existing to please everyone but themselves. They got lost along the way. 

These type of people are the worse to have as friends and as spouses.  They are unable to discover who they are, consequentially they are unable to share who they are.  How can you learn someone who does not know himself/herself?  They are still searching, hoping that someone can provide them a definition of themselves. How did this happen?  It happened when adult males failed to be husbands and fathers.  God's creative plan was for Adam, the earthly father to name and define everything including the female whom God created.  If Adam didn't call the female WOMAN, she would not have had a definition.  After she was deceived and they sinned, if Adam didn't name the woman EVE, she would not have had a name.  

Failed men, are likewise failed fathers who contribute to the many people we witness living their lives without an identity. Females are permitting males to define them as their sweethearts, males are permitting their friends to define them as criminals and drunkards, and the list goes on.  So many got lost along the way all because of a male who refused to evolve into a man, who likewise is unable to be a father.  The failed man doesn't have an identity therefore he is unable to define anything in his life or to place a proper value on it.  For the welder his torch is of great importance, for the contractor the plan is of great importance, for the Attorney the law is of grave importance, for the chef the ingredients is likewise of great importance, and finally for the father his wife and children are of grave importance.  If your wife and children are not on the top of your list and not a part of your identity, you have gotten lost along the way.  You exist without an identity and without a purpose.  The welder needs his torch, the contractor needs his plan to properly construct, the Attorney needs the law to properly represent his client, the chef needs his ingredients to prepare the proper dish/meal and a man needs his wife and children to be a father and a husband. Being the sweetheart is not your true identity, raising someone else's children while abandoning your own does not make you a father, and fitting into everyone else's world doesn't make you a man.... you've gotten lost along the way.  

A failed man is likewise a failed friend, a failed spouse and a failed father.  When we connect with such a person on an intimate level we likewise adapt to their mindset which is unstable.  They are still searching and because of this they contribute to emotional and mental instability in their children's lives, the life of their mate and likewise with their friends.  They change with the tide....they are searching and while so doing they are also hurting everyone who comes along their path.  They got lost along the way because their dad failed to father and define them and they are looking for someone to tell them who they are.  They will try everything and everyone until this question is answered and such attempts are made by both males and females...they got lost along the way.  Therefore before you celebrate Father's Day make sure that you are not one of those person's guilty of failing to define your wife and children and contributed to them being lost along the way.   

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