Tuesday, July 15, 2014


While working in my yard this morning I began to reflect on the men and women of God who had great faith.  I came to the realization that such greatness was not accomplished by their compromises, but rather by their great sacrifice. So many people want to encounter greatness within their comfort zones. After reading Hebrews 11 I realized that everyone listed therein made a great sacrifice to be included in this chapter. Maybe you are waiting on your greatness or probably you are hoping that you will be remembered for something of great significance after you die.  Upon examining your life, can you say without any hesitation that your lifestyle would qualify you to be added to Hebrews 11. 

Rahab  was included in this chapter because she was prepared to sacrifice her way of life which was prostitution, to relocate, serve another God and follow and trust a  people who were unknown to her.  Noah was included in this chapter because he believed in something that never occurred before which was rain and he preached about rain for years.  He built an ark according to the instructions of God and was willing to be esteemed as a fool for the salvation of his family.  What was rain? Noah had no explanation for it, he simply believed and trusted that rain will most certainly come, because God said it would. These two made great sacrifices to be included in Hebrews 11. Do you think that your life will qualify you to be included?

Abram believed the voice of a God whom he didn't know and was promised to be the father of many nations.  Because of his faith his name was changed to Abraham and through faith he offered up his son Isaac as a living sacrifice.  This was the child through whom God's promise was to be fulfilled.  Abraham didn't stagger at the promise, whatever God required to fulfill His word, Abraham knew it was in God's possession. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.  Can you sacrifice your son or your daughter unto God to qualify  yourself to be included in Hebrews 11?  Children  may go astray for a season, when this happens are you prepared to trust the spiritual foundation that you've laid in their lives?

Greatness is accomplished through great sacrifices.  It may require of you to relocate like Rahab, Abraham and Moses.  Greatness may require of you to offer your child like Abraham.  Greatness might require of you to do something that you cannot explain like Noah.  It may also require of you to separate yourself from all your family like Rehab and Abraham.  Greatness might require of you to see yourself beyond your limitations like Sarah and believe that God is able when everything concerning your life says that it is impossible.  Greatness is accomplished through you having great faith.  You may not be able to explain it,  you might not know where you're going, you may be clueless of why it happened, but all you need to know is that God said it, that He would do it, that there is no failure in Him and trust God to accomplish it in your life. Hebrews chapter 11 does not have to end at verse 40, this chapter can be continued with YOU! 

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