Friday, February 27, 2015

Why Did I Get Married? Excerpt from Broken But Not Destroyed.

‘I was so stupid.’ ‘How could I be so blind?’  ‘I should have seen this coming. Gee! All the signs were right there before me.’  ‘I should have known, look at his dysfunctional  family.’  ‘I married her too soon.’  These and the like are not the reasons why you are experiencing marital problems.

For many, the signs they saw before marriage did not manifest in marriage.  So many persons came from dysfunctional homes who established exemplary families, with very good spiritual and moral standards.  Most of us can identify with these words, ‘I should have seen this coming!’ Sad to say but we would never see so far ahead.  Tomorrow will always take care of itself.  One day at a time and in spite of our plans, we have little to no control over what tomorrow brings.

You were not stupid for getting married and neither were you blind.  Most of us who got married did so because we felt deep down within ourselves that it was going to work and it was going to last.  We wanted our marriages to last.  We needed our marriages to last.  Remember, we made a public announcement, ‘I’ve finally found him’ or ‘I’ve  finally found her’ and we believed we did.  We weren’t too young, too simple or too anxious.  We knew how we felt, we knew what we wanted and we had plans.  Most importantly we had faith in ourselves and in each other that we could do this—and we did it!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


(An excerpt from Moving Beyond Rejection) Copyright by Pro Type


He left me for the one who was before
He left me because she was offering him more
I gave him my heart
I gave him my life
Yet Leah and I had continuous strife

Jacob, my love, come and lay with me
My soul is crying out  for you
Can’t you hear me
I am alone in my tent waiting for you
I am sad, I feel empty, I feel so blue
Laughter I can hear from the tent next door
I have tried so hard, yet I am unable to give
You more

God have You forgotten to open up my womb
Leah has my lover, my husband and a
Happy home
I can’t bear the pain of this emptiness that
I now feel
Jacob is in Leah’s tent although I know his
Love for me is real

He has left me once again to go to Leah’s tent
Happily Jacob leaves me, as if he was sent
Empty and alone, my heart aches within
My jealousy is so strong, it is an unwanted sin

Rejection has attacked my heart
My mind and my soul
My anger toward Jacob, I can no longer withhold
“Give me children or else I  die!”
Words I said to Jacob because it was my soul’s cry
Years lived in sorrow because Jacob was deceived
Then God finally remembered me
And Joseph I conceived.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How Is Your Marriage?

Conform—to take the form of; to adapt.  What is marriage according to the world?  It is something legal.  It is a man and a woman as a couple.  What is marriage according to the world? It is two individuals in a legal contract.  We are not to adopt this mindset.  Marriage is not to lose its spiritual significance and conform to the legalities of this world. Be not conformed to this world but be transformed... 

Transformed—to be changed in form.  Have you not read…….?  Have you not read that they are no longer two but one flesh?  They have been transformed and this transformation was executed by Elohim, God.  They  are no longer a couple  but an individual.  And Adam said- “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man” - Genesis 2:23.

We got married but most of us did not change the way we think.  We continued to see ourselves as individuals yet married.  This mindset is pleasing to Satan but totally  unpleasant unto Elohim, God.  What is the good and  acceptable and perfect will of God?  And there shall no longer be two, but one flesh, one body, one soul—unity.  What is the device or weapon that Satan uses? Individualism in marriage.  I do me first, because once I get myself straight then I can care for my spouse.  Oh! This sounds so good, so pleasing, so self gratifying and satisfying to your flesh and your mind, but it is not Elohim God’s good and perfect and acceptable will.

When you and I begin to think like this we have been  deceived.  Our minds have not been renewed and our marriages are experiencing deterioration because we still live our lives as being separate from our spouses.  This is brokenness in our marriage covenants because there is no separation in marriage, save and except for the purpose of healing, and for reconciliation as stated in 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11 - “Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.  But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.  And the husband is not to divorce his wife.”

(An excerpt from Broken But Not Destroyed - Copyright by Pro Type)
Book available at in both paperback and kindle. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

WOMAN an excerpt from Definition By Character

Most females will not dare themselves to discover who they are by their characteristics.  Once most women are able to care and provide for themselves, all else becomes irrelevant. Deception.  All else is relevant.  As a woman, are you willing to allow a man to plant his love, his ideas, his knowledge and all that he is into your womb for germination?  Say what?  Where are you going with that deep question?  Right at you! Fix your face! Remember what the word 'womb' means.  It is a place for germination. 

It was a curse in the days of the bible for a woman not to be able to bear children. Women then were of the complete understanding that bearing children defined their title and failure to do so made them  not a good wife to their husbands.  The primary purpose of the man marrying is first and foremost for the woman to bear his children.  “Blessed is the man who has his cradle full.”   Wow! Nowadays women want to go to the pet shop with their husbands and pick out a Chihuahua dog and name him Butch.  Happy little family with the empty cradle. 

The world has become so independent of the Word of God. People are redefining themselves by their own efforts.  Family is no longer a husband, wife and children.  Most families  now  consist of  the married  man who left his wife and children, and is now taking care of another man's household.  Better yet, as I stated earlier, children are being replaced with pets.  Women no longer want to bear children.  Women no longer want to submit to leadership outside their work environment.  Women want to be treated equally with men in every facet of life.  Women deserve equal respect, but let us be real, it is not the plan of God to be equal in leadership.  If you see yourself as one being equal to a man, you have already  defied the order of God.  When God created the first woman he made her subject to the man and dependent upon him for provisions, guidance and instructions. Man was and still is and ever shall be the head of a woman (If only some of them knew how to be it!).

Copyright by Pro Type. Available at in paperback and kindle.