Friday, February 27, 2015

Why Did I Get Married? Excerpt from Broken But Not Destroyed.

‘I was so stupid.’ ‘How could I be so blind?’  ‘I should have seen this coming. Gee! All the signs were right there before me.’  ‘I should have known, look at his dysfunctional  family.’  ‘I married her too soon.’  These and the like are not the reasons why you are experiencing marital problems.

For many, the signs they saw before marriage did not manifest in marriage.  So many persons came from dysfunctional homes who established exemplary families, with very good spiritual and moral standards.  Most of us can identify with these words, ‘I should have seen this coming!’ Sad to say but we would never see so far ahead.  Tomorrow will always take care of itself.  One day at a time and in spite of our plans, we have little to no control over what tomorrow brings.

You were not stupid for getting married and neither were you blind.  Most of us who got married did so because we felt deep down within ourselves that it was going to work and it was going to last.  We wanted our marriages to last.  We needed our marriages to last.  Remember, we made a public announcement, ‘I’ve finally found him’ or ‘I’ve  finally found her’ and we believed we did.  We weren’t too young, too simple or too anxious.  We knew how we felt, we knew what we wanted and we had plans.  Most importantly we had faith in ourselves and in each other that we could do this—and we did it!

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