Sunday, February 1, 2015

WOMAN an excerpt from Definition By Character

Most females will not dare themselves to discover who they are by their characteristics.  Once most women are able to care and provide for themselves, all else becomes irrelevant. Deception.  All else is relevant.  As a woman, are you willing to allow a man to plant his love, his ideas, his knowledge and all that he is into your womb for germination?  Say what?  Where are you going with that deep question?  Right at you! Fix your face! Remember what the word 'womb' means.  It is a place for germination. 

It was a curse in the days of the bible for a woman not to be able to bear children. Women then were of the complete understanding that bearing children defined their title and failure to do so made them  not a good wife to their husbands.  The primary purpose of the man marrying is first and foremost for the woman to bear his children.  “Blessed is the man who has his cradle full.”   Wow! Nowadays women want to go to the pet shop with their husbands and pick out a Chihuahua dog and name him Butch.  Happy little family with the empty cradle. 

The world has become so independent of the Word of God. People are redefining themselves by their own efforts.  Family is no longer a husband, wife and children.  Most families  now  consist of  the married  man who left his wife and children, and is now taking care of another man's household.  Better yet, as I stated earlier, children are being replaced with pets.  Women no longer want to bear children.  Women no longer want to submit to leadership outside their work environment.  Women want to be treated equally with men in every facet of life.  Women deserve equal respect, but let us be real, it is not the plan of God to be equal in leadership.  If you see yourself as one being equal to a man, you have already  defied the order of God.  When God created the first woman he made her subject to the man and dependent upon him for provisions, guidance and instructions. Man was and still is and ever shall be the head of a woman (If only some of them knew how to be it!).

Copyright by Pro Type. Available at in paperback and kindle. 

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