Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The New Life

I thought I was living the new life in Christ when I accepted Him as my personal Lord and Saviour. It was only my initiation. Not until I decided to let everything go that represented my image of myself, and tear down my self erected idol that I began to live the new life. Unless we decide to completely die unto ourselves, which is to let EVERYTHING GO, we are yet to experience kingdom living in Christ Jesus. Remember no flesh can inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 15:50 - "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption."  Because of this, everything that represents YOU must die so that Christ lives in you and likewise you in Him - Philippians 1:21 - "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". This is the new life and the true meaning of being born again. How can you experience the new birth when you are yet to die unto yourself?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Don't let Satan deceive you!

Satan uses hurt, pain and misunderstandings as a tool to rob mankind of the beauty of life. Without emotional hurt, there will be no need for forgiveness and healing. Without pain, we would have no need for the Comforter and without misunderstandings we will be denied the opportunity and reasons to be humble. Everything that Satan paints as such a gigantic negative issue is nothing more than our opportunities to live our lives spiritually for the honour and glory of Elohim, God. He's a liar and never tells the true story in our minds. Honestly, Satan lied to me on several occasions but as time past I became more familiar with his schemes. How can you be hurt if you've never loved someone? If you loved someone, be proud of your pain because love is of God. How can you recognize pain in the absence of knowing the joy of being comforted? Appreciate every kind word, gesture, soft touch, thank you and words of gratitude, everything that reflects you was not completely ignored. Finally misunderstandings only manifests the things that the parties don't know about each other and provides the opportunity to improve on communication. Like I said earlier Satan is a liar. Every hurt, pain and misunderstanding is nothing more than an opportunity for us to live our lives more spiritual for the honour and glory of Elohim, God. Be encouraged.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Know What's Following You

I have heard so much about witchcraft and evil spirits over the years. I do sincerely believe in their existence and that their main purpose is to suppress, oppress and hinder the spiritual effectiveness of the body of Christ.  Sometimes I lose my focus on the God of my salvation and become distracted with the minute issues that are set on my path by demonic or evil spirits.  Indeed there is a struggle to keep our minds and eyes focused on the Most High God, Elohim. 

We, like Peter while walking on the water in the direction towards the Lord Yeshua, who had asked Peter  to come unto Him, after focusing on the waves began to sink.  Witchcraft, evil or demonic spirits function like the waves that distracted Peter while on the water, they come attempting to make the saints sink with the issues of life.  We must often times remind ourselves of what is following us.  Yes, demonic spirits do exist and indeed witchcraft is effective BUT there is a promise for the sincere follower of The Christ - Psalm 23:6 -"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Let them cast their spells, speak their curses, bury personal items and post your name on an upside down cross on a shrine and also light as many candles as they can and mix their potions.... One thing that you can be certain of as a child of Elohim God is that regardless of what they do and what evil they send, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and every tongue that arises up against you in judgement or to curse you, cast a spell upon you or to wish you misfortune;  you have the power to condemn  - Isaiah 54:17.  Let us not become overly concerned about the evil in this world and know that angels are commissioned to follow and protect us - Hebrews 1:14.     Know what's following you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Only A Click Away

Everyone nowadays are so excited about their smart phones, iphones, tablets and ipads.  It truly feels good to have access to the news, movies, social networks and technology right in the palm of your hands.  A young adult no longer  need to purchase a television, dvd player or subscribe to directv or dish network.  Netflix will give you unlimited movies on your smart phone or ipad.  Information, games, movies, shopping, books, counseling and so much more are just  a click away.  This is so exciting for so many people, they no longer need a book shelf, books are now downloaded on their kindle, no longer need a CD rack, music is now downloaded on flash drives and mp3 players.  Life has become so simple and convenient, everything is only a click away.  

Whatever information you are seeking it is online.  Children no longer read dictionaries, they Google and Bing. People no longer purchase books, they download them on their kindle, the same applies with entering a store to purchase an item. Most people are shopping online for new and used products.  If  you're looking for something used to purchase Amazon and Ebay have lots of stuff.  Vehicles are now used to go to work, the food store and for recreation, other items purchased can be delivered right to your front door, going out to shop is optional. No more huge phone bills, you can chat online for free and no need to drive a few miles to visit a friend or family member, web camera will bring them right into your living room or bedroom.   Oh! The simplicity of life.

Now here's my point, because your life has become so much simpler and information more accessible, we are all left without excuses as to why we have not lived holy lives pleasing unto God.  Just how you can download a romantic book, you could have done the same for a bible or spiritual educational book. The money spent shopping online to purchase that new jeans, new sneakers  or that cocktail dress, the same money could have been spent to purchase a new church attire.  The time you spent downloading the latest R&B or hip hop songs, you could have done the same for gospel or spiritual music. All that time you spent chatting on Facebook you could have utilized that time reading those spiritual articles posted and connecting with those persons who were interested in the salvation of your soul. Almighty God made it so much easier for you to learn of His divine will for your life.  You didn't even have to attend church, multiple churches and ministries are online offering sermons on a variety of topics to enable you to connect with Elohim God.   Truly you will be left without an excuse as to why you did not commit your life unto Christ and served Almighty God with sincerity of heart.  Remember, salvation was only a click away.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wealth You Didn't Recognize

I was discussing with an acquaintance of mine a portion of the Lord's Prayer.  I said to her that we are wealthy beyond our recognition.  The Lord's Prayer also known as the model prayer states "Give us this day our daily bread" - Matthew 6:11.  After communicating with her I thought to myself.......'daily" Shortly thereafter I came to the realization that my wealth was not in accordance to the standards of this world's system.  The amount of digits on my bank account were irrelevant.  My wealth was not to be measured by my salary, inheritance from my parents, shares or dividends.

I am wealthy and so are many of you.  In the Lord's Prayer we are told to ask for our daily bread.  Now let me share with you what I've realized.  Whenever I  open the door of my fridge I have more than a day's portion of food - actually I have more than a week's portion of food.  When I look in my cupboards, I have more than three weeks portion of meals.   I have been provided more than my daily bread..... this is wealth.

Next in line was my closet and drawers. I had more than enough clothing to go at minimum three weeks without having to do my laundry to enable me to have something to wear.  Once again I have discovered wealth because of the quantity and variety of clothing in my possession.  I took a look around my home, the books and variety of bibles I have to read, the various perfumes I can choose from, the variety of music,movies and things that I have to constructively occupy my time.  This was another manifestation of my wealth.

What can I find to complain about ? If I want to be honest.... nothing.  What is it that I  find myself in need of?  Nothing because I have been faithfully provided more than a day's portion and further Elohim has been faithful to supply all my needs through his riches in glory by Christ Jesus -   Philippians 4:19.  I will close with this statement.... many of you reading this article have wealth you didn't recognize. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I am frustrated with the amount of believers dying from sickness and diseases because as Christians we are promised the abundant life in Christ Jesus and we were  told in the holy scriptures that by His stripes we were healed. The question is, "Why are Christians not experiencing divine healing and not living the abundant life?"

I am frustrated with the amount of Pastors who manipulate their followers and do their best to control their lives.  We are members of the body of Christ collectively and no member of any local assembly belong  to any particular Minister. No Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelist, Cardinal or Pope died to save the soul of any man. Our regenerated souls belong to Christ and Him only.  

I am frustrated with the amount of people who comfortably say that God told them this or that or the Spirit of God revealed this or that and when it is time to execute they can't be found.  God sent them to the ministry to help. but they are never available.  The Spirit of God told them this or that and their  words can't be supported by their actions. 

I am frustrated with the multitude of men who left their wives and abandoned their children to provide for another household without any sign of remorse.  I am extremely frustrated with the amount of women who degrade themselves to nothing more than a mistress to a married man, notwithstanding his children are fatherless and his wife  is forsaken...... too many defiled beds and too many broken covenants. 

I am frustrated with the amount of people who find fault with the body of Christ and are clueless of the sacrifices made by  persons to fellowship together, pray and worship together and to present themselves unto Elohim in accordance to His holy standards. Too many judge the body of Christ in ignorance.

I am frustrated with this world of sin, misguided Politicians, self centered government leaders, tunnel vision spiritual leaders, and the tremendous increase in immorality and crime.  I am frustrated with this body of sin and my joy will be to take off this mortal flesh and put on immortality and forever be in the presence of my Sariour, My Lord and the Lover of my soul.  Are you frustrated?

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in V I C T O RY - 1 Corinthians 15:53, 54.