Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wealth You Didn't Recognize

I was discussing with an acquaintance of mine a portion of the Lord's Prayer.  I said to her that we are wealthy beyond our recognition.  The Lord's Prayer also known as the model prayer states "Give us this day our daily bread" - Matthew 6:11.  After communicating with her I thought to myself.......'daily" Shortly thereafter I came to the realization that my wealth was not in accordance to the standards of this world's system.  The amount of digits on my bank account were irrelevant.  My wealth was not to be measured by my salary, inheritance from my parents, shares or dividends.

I am wealthy and so are many of you.  In the Lord's Prayer we are told to ask for our daily bread.  Now let me share with you what I've realized.  Whenever I  open the door of my fridge I have more than a day's portion of food - actually I have more than a week's portion of food.  When I look in my cupboards, I have more than three weeks portion of meals.   I have been provided more than my daily bread..... this is wealth.

Next in line was my closet and drawers. I had more than enough clothing to go at minimum three weeks without having to do my laundry to enable me to have something to wear.  Once again I have discovered wealth because of the quantity and variety of clothing in my possession.  I took a look around my home, the books and variety of bibles I have to read, the various perfumes I can choose from, the variety of music,movies and things that I have to constructively occupy my time.  This was another manifestation of my wealth.

What can I find to complain about ? If I want to be honest.... nothing.  What is it that I  find myself in need of?  Nothing because I have been faithfully provided more than a day's portion and further Elohim has been faithful to supply all my needs through his riches in glory by Christ Jesus -   Philippians 4:19.  I will close with this statement.... many of you reading this article have wealth you didn't recognize. 

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