Sunday, May 26, 2013

Know What's Following You

I have heard so much about witchcraft and evil spirits over the years. I do sincerely believe in their existence and that their main purpose is to suppress, oppress and hinder the spiritual effectiveness of the body of Christ.  Sometimes I lose my focus on the God of my salvation and become distracted with the minute issues that are set on my path by demonic or evil spirits.  Indeed there is a struggle to keep our minds and eyes focused on the Most High God, Elohim. 

We, like Peter while walking on the water in the direction towards the Lord Yeshua, who had asked Peter  to come unto Him, after focusing on the waves began to sink.  Witchcraft, evil or demonic spirits function like the waves that distracted Peter while on the water, they come attempting to make the saints sink with the issues of life.  We must often times remind ourselves of what is following us.  Yes, demonic spirits do exist and indeed witchcraft is effective BUT there is a promise for the sincere follower of The Christ - Psalm 23:6 -"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Let them cast their spells, speak their curses, bury personal items and post your name on an upside down cross on a shrine and also light as many candles as they can and mix their potions.... One thing that you can be certain of as a child of Elohim God is that regardless of what they do and what evil they send, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and every tongue that arises up against you in judgement or to curse you, cast a spell upon you or to wish you misfortune;  you have the power to condemn  - Isaiah 54:17.  Let us not become overly concerned about the evil in this world and know that angels are commissioned to follow and protect us - Hebrews 1:14.     Know what's following you!

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