Saturday, May 4, 2013


I am frustrated with the amount of believers dying from sickness and diseases because as Christians we are promised the abundant life in Christ Jesus and we were  told in the holy scriptures that by His stripes we were healed. The question is, "Why are Christians not experiencing divine healing and not living the abundant life?"

I am frustrated with the amount of Pastors who manipulate their followers and do their best to control their lives.  We are members of the body of Christ collectively and no member of any local assembly belong  to any particular Minister. No Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelist, Cardinal or Pope died to save the soul of any man. Our regenerated souls belong to Christ and Him only.  

I am frustrated with the amount of people who comfortably say that God told them this or that or the Spirit of God revealed this or that and when it is time to execute they can't be found.  God sent them to the ministry to help. but they are never available.  The Spirit of God told them this or that and their  words can't be supported by their actions. 

I am frustrated with the multitude of men who left their wives and abandoned their children to provide for another household without any sign of remorse.  I am extremely frustrated with the amount of women who degrade themselves to nothing more than a mistress to a married man, notwithstanding his children are fatherless and his wife  is forsaken...... too many defiled beds and too many broken covenants. 

I am frustrated with the amount of people who find fault with the body of Christ and are clueless of the sacrifices made by  persons to fellowship together, pray and worship together and to present themselves unto Elohim in accordance to His holy standards. Too many judge the body of Christ in ignorance.

I am frustrated with this world of sin, misguided Politicians, self centered government leaders, tunnel vision spiritual leaders, and the tremendous increase in immorality and crime.  I am frustrated with this body of sin and my joy will be to take off this mortal flesh and put on immortality and forever be in the presence of my Sariour, My Lord and the Lover of my soul.  Are you frustrated?

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in V I C T O RY - 1 Corinthians 15:53, 54.


  1. Satan wants to kill, steal and deceive. He is the responsible party for all of this.

    1. I agree with you however notwithstanding Satan's attempts to deceive mankind of the predestined life Elohim intends for us to live, many have made the choice to reject it. Satan may have stolen the joy of many, robbed them of their hope, but God cannot be man's shield and buckler when they repeatedly reject Him. I am indeed frustrated with the immorality of this world but most of it is as the result of man's choice to do their own thing outside the Father's will.
