Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Can't Afford To Quit!

There is a song that says, "We've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His holy word, He's never failed me yet!" This song is often times sung with compassion and this compassion can be seen on the faces of persons while worshiping the Lord. It is a joyous sight. Notwithstanding the song is sang as a testimony, we so quickly negate how far the Lord has brought us. 

When we find ourselves focusing more on where we want to be, what we want to possess and how we want to live, our vision becomes blurred. If we sincerely believe that the position we now find ourselves in is as the result of leaning on the Lord, then it is the Lord who will take us further, provide those things our hearts desire and improve our lifestyles. We have come this far by faith and not by means of our spouses, our education, our profession, our social connections but by leaning on the Lord. 

We have dreamed dreams, we have offered prayers, we have made spiritual sacrifices and we have also yielded our lives onto the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Resulting from the aforementioned, our faith has ushered us into our present position and it is this FAITH that we must focus on. We have truly came this far by faith and it is our faith that we must continue to hold onto. We can't afford to quit; not now, not ever. We must fight the good fight of faith and continuously remind ourselves that is our faith that has brought us this far. Let us continue to lean on the Lord for there is much more spiritual distance for you and I to travel. We can't afford to quit, there is more for us to encounter on this journey.

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