Monday, March 17, 2014


Suppose those words that you spoke in anger immediately took effect, how will you feel?  We so often fail to control our tongues and release curses into the spiritual realm over the lives of others and ourselves, not considering the effect of our words. 

Suppose you are terminated from the job that you've been complaining about for the past six months, how will you satisfy your expenses? Probably it is time for you to have a change of heart and come to the realization that your job is not for you to establish friendships or for your physical comfort.  Your job is for you to be able to provide for yourself, your family if applicable and to enable you to enjoy some pleasures in life. 

Suppose the child that you claim is always getting on your last nerve dies, would you feel relieved?  We must learn to be grateful for the  blessings of God; He  provided us with a child.  We have someone to love, someone to care for, someone to assist in shaping their future, someone who resembles us and most importantly someone from ourselves whom we can call our own. Learn to appreciate the blessings of God. 

Suppose the car that you are so tired of repairing, whose back truck no longer opens, air conditioner is not working and the rear windows can't go down, just stop working?  Would you honestly prefer to take a cab everywhere you have to go or hike a ride and also have to contribute towards gas? The car is not as attractive as it use to look and does not function as good as when you got it but it is a vehicle that takes you where you want to go and when you want to go.  

It is really time for us to take a deeper look within our hearts and come to the realization that there are so many things which we  take for granted.  We must also come to the realization that we complain too much about those things that are really in our lives to bring us joy, make our lives easier, grant us fulfillment and most importantly give us hope for the better.  Just suppose it really happens, would you honestly be happier?

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