Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Danger In Not Knowing

We have become so accustomed to just focusing on Adam and Eve's sin and missing the root of the matter. Truly we have equally suffered from their decision to disobey Jehovah, but we have also done the same act. There should be no comfort in us just knowing how we inherited our sinful nature. We also should not find any comfort in our acceptance of the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives to free us from our sinful nature. Unless we dig deeper to ascertain the root of the matter, we will also like Eve succumb to the consequences of not knowing. We cannot get to the root of the matter unless we dig. Roots grow downwards into the ground and are not seen on the surface. Therefore you and I must dig deep to obtain the root of the matter so that in Christ we can continuously overcome sin and prevent it from having any further dominion over us. So what is the danger in not knowing? The danger in not knowing is the open door for you and I to make the same mistake like Adam and Eve. Let's get out of our comfort zones and seek the golden nugget. Why was Eve deceived? Eve was deceived because of three reasons. First of all she did not understand what woman meant. Adam said that she shall be called woman because she was taken from man. Secondly Eve refused to acknowledge her identity which was in the likeness of Adam who was created in the likeness of Elohim. Our third reason is a combination of the two; Eve's inability to define woman and understand and/or accept her identity was the reason for her deception. Eve accepted the proposal of the serpent that she would be as or like God after eating the fruit simply because she failed to acknowledge that she already was in His image and likeness. Recognize that the serpent did not offer Eve anything. What the serpent did was robbed Eve of her identity because she did not know who she was - this is the danger in not knowing. Eve already had dominion and likewise Adam. They both reflected the image and likeness of God, even to the extent of His mind and authority. What was Eve going to gain by eating the fruit? Nothing of value, on the contrary they both suffered loss thereafter. All of this happened and began with one issue, Eve not acknowledging who she was and what she had. We have all been born in sin, shaped in iniquity and suffered sin dominating our lives in the absence of Christ being Lord simply because of one person's ignorance. There is great danger in not knowing.

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