Saturday, March 29, 2014


There comes a time in our lives when we are excited about what the next page in our lives will present unto us.  Waiting for the expiration of twenty four hours feels like the duration of a month.  "What will tomorrow bring if today is this good" is the question we ask ourselves as we await the new day.  Such feeling reminds me of the joy that floods the heart of the babe in Christ, everything is happening so quickly.  Prayers are answered almost immediately, new friends, a new mind, a new heart and most importantly a new life - fullness of joy.  With such newness experienced simultaneously, the excitement of what the next page in our lives will bring is overwhelming.  We believe everything promised to us in the holy scriptures and we receive it with joy knowing that our God, Jehovah is able to do all things well.

Time passes and we are challenged to mature spiritually and because of this we experience the opposite. Our prayers are not so quickly answered, our new friends are now those who gossip about us and betray us. We struggle with having the mind of Christ and a heart of flesh and sadly  the promises of God are no longer yea and amen for us because the answers to our prayers are delayed.  Temptations, divers temptations are experienced daily and we fight to remain alive spiritually.  Now we don't want to see what the next page in our lives will present unto us.  We don't  want to hear the next rumor about ourselves, we don't want to experience the broken relationship with the new friend our church member, we don't want to sacrifice something else which we enjoyed.  The next page is what we don't want to live and we would rather just remain right here and put a bookmark on our lives until we are relieved from today's sufferings.  

Unfortunately the pages must turn and like all stories they have to end, this applies to the excitement, the pain, the divers temptations and the betrayals, every story has an end.  Are you excited about what the next page in your life will bring?  Are you expecting another trial, another betrayal, another answer to your prayer, or another person to leave your life? The pages of our lives is something that we must embrace whether or not we are prepared.  We don't know for certain what tomorrow will bring but we will experience whatever the next page in our lives discloses. Whether life or death, joy or sorrow, victory or failure, love or emotional pain, healing or brokenness - it will come.  Are you ready for your next page?

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