Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Game of Life

For many of us life seems to be this big game and we are just caught in the middle of a battle between good and evil.  This thought might be true......... The good thing about  life is that if it is a game we all have the option to choose our team.  We are all afforded the opportunity to choose the good team or the bad team, the righteous team or the unrighteous team.  Regardless of which team we choose, one thing we will certainly  all experience is the battle over the control of our souls and its destiny.  

For every time an individual chooses to deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ in his/her life, the bad team gets a point.  If the game is basketball, for every time the unrighteous dies, that team scores a three pointer.  Every time an individual surrender's complete control of his/her life unto the Lordship of Jesus, the righteous or good team likewise scores a point, When the righteous dies, the good team also scores a three pointer.  

According to the holy scriptures the good team is far out numbered by the bad - "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" -Matthew 7:13, 14.  The aforementioned scriptures denotes a very important truth about the game of life. The truth is - following the crowd is not in one's best interest.  This pathway or this particular team, notwithstanding it possessing the majority in number, leads to destruction.  

Usually when a person chooses a team they opt for the team that appears to possess the ability to conquer or win.  It is a natural tendency for one to believe that there is more strength in numbers.  However this belief does not apply to the spiritual or supernatural and is destructive  for the individual's soul.  When your choice is for the crowd because you believe that the majority rule and will win, you've made the wrong choice and your option was for the losing team, notwithstanding the multitude of team members.  The Game of Life is not about following the crowd or choosing the team that has the most members.  This game is best played when you choose the team that has the GREATEST record of success in overcoming the challenges, trials, struggles and issues of life.  When you choose according to  this rating, the righteous team wins and far out numbers the record of the team that consists of the most members and likewise the most failures.  If life is nothing more than a game, I sincerely encourage you to pick the right team. 

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe 

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