Sunday, April 7, 2013

Where Did He Go?

I believe that we have all experienced in our lives hearing the voice of Elohim telling us not to do something, say something or go somewhere.  We can remember hearing in our minds the voice that said 'no' or 'don't' and we ignored it.  Oftentimes we thought it was just our thoughts, but when the voice became louder, we realized that something greater than ourselves was giving us a WARNING.

Sometimes we took heed to the voice and we didn't go, we didn't say and we chose not to execute the act.  However there were also those times when we felt that we needed to do it, say it and go to that particular place.  A selfish part of us made us feel that it was necessary for those words to be uttered to justify our character.  A selfish part of us told us that in spite of the WARNING given, we were entitled to experience some pleasure, notwithstanding it being immoral and against Elohim's will for our lives.  There was a part of us that was so adamant about us going to that particular place, even though we knew that it was not in our best interest, we felt that we could afford the risk.

What usually happens after we take heed to the selfish part of us?  The voice fades.  The WARNINGS that we were accustomed to hearing, is not heard as often and as loud.  Where did He go?  We must come to the complete understanding that there are consequences for failing to adhere to spiritual counsel offered unto us by Elohim, God.  We cannot, by practice refuse to take heed to the WARNINGS of God and expect Him to continue to speak unto us, only to be rejected.  He will eventually leave us to be guided and governed by our deceitful thoughts and passions that only lures us  further away from His presence and voice.  Where did He go? Elohim went nowhere. We went away, being led by the lust of our eyes, the desires of our hearts and the selfishness of our flesh.  His voice of guidance never left us, we shut the door on the voice and adhered unto ourselves.  We chose to guide our own lives and such guidance led us further into sin, further into deceit, further into bondage and further away from the one we need in our lives the most ELOHIM.

It is our responsibility to control our thought life. It is also our responsibility to recognize the voice of God and further to adhere to His WARNINGS.  These WARNINGS are for the sole purpose of enabling us to establish and/or maintain an intimate relationship with our Creator, our Heavenly Father, and our Saviour.  When we fail to take heed to the voice or counsel of God, day  by day we drift away from His presence and His voice.  Where did He Go?  Nowhere, He promised that He will never leave nor forsake us. The question we must now ask ourselves is, "Where did we go?"   Our failure to control our minds has contributed to the distance between ourselves and our loving Saviour.  It is time to control our minds and maintain our relationship with Elohim, God.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

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