Tuesday, April 16, 2013

They Will Return

Many families for the past few years have experienced tremendous struggles.  Many spouses notwithstanding their efforts to keep their family together have either found themselves living separate and apart, legally separated or divorced.  Such experience regardless of who was at fault hurt all parties involved i.e. the mother and wife, the father and husband and also the children.  

In the home both spouses contribute to the problems in their family. However, usually it is the mother who is left with care and control of the children of the marriage.  It is the norm for  the husband and father to move on to another relationship  and to provide whatever time he has at his convenience for their children. Mothers also leave or abandon their children but fathers have the highest rate of abandonment.  

What must you do as a single mother after you and your children have been abandoned by your husband and father?  How must you move on with your life when every day is now clustered with having to care for your children alone without any assistance from their father?  Indeed the challenge is great because you find that you now have to neglect your personal care to tend to your children's welfare.  The helpmate who was ordained by God and obligated by the marriage covenant has breached your spiritual contract. You are now overwhelmed mentally, emotionally and for most mothers also financially.  

My advice to you is to hold on just a while longer.  Malachi 4:6 - "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." According to the aforesaid scripture, the fathers will return to restore their relationship with their children and their children in spite of the hurt and abandonment will forgive and accept them.  The fathers will return. Jehovah God cannot lie and there is not a promise within the holy scriptures that He will not keep.

The prefix "re" means to do again. Therefore all those mothers and wives whose spouses were fathers to their children, notwithstanding him having strayed and forsaking his covenant and parental duties, will return to be help mates and fathers once again.  I will reiterate my advice given earlier........ just hold on for a while longer they shall return to their children.   

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