Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Without Their Blessings

Over the years I have  experienced so many struggles in my life and witnessed it in the lives of others.  I often times wondered why life appeared to be so much simpler for others notwithstanding they were not wealthy.  There are so many who grew up in homes which did not have much spiritual standards but their lives were less complex than those who were raised with high spiritual standards.  This became a mystery to me because I was unable for years to put the missing pieces together. 

One thing I can truly say is that whenever there are questions in your soul that need to be answered, God will eventually  provide it.  I never stopped searching for the answer as to why so many persons like myself  had to struggle to provide for their welfare and the welfare of their children.  Praying and believing did not eliminate the struggle because I was praying in ignorance. It did provide some peace, but the struggles in my life remained.  When God answered me my struggles did not go away  immediately but that question in my soul ceased to exist. 

The struggles came as the result of so many persons like myself never receiving the blessings of their parent or their parents.  There are so many who are living their lives never being blessed by their father or mother or both parents.  Proverbs 13:22 - A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.  The best inheritance a parent can leave for their children is not material things or insurance benefits, but spiritual blessings or imparted blessings by spoken words.  When Jacob swindled Esau out of his parental blessing, Esau wept because he understood what he lost. 

Another example of a child not being blessed is Jabez.  The meaning of his name given to him by his mother means pain.  1 Chronicles 4:9,10 - Jabez understood the meaning of his name and he prayed to God that He would bless him indeed that he may not cause pain.  So many of us like Jabez found ourselves living our lives without our parents' blessings, and because of this we must do the same as he did.  We must pray to God that our circumstances change, that we, without our parents' blessings can end the struggles in our lives.  When our parents fail to bless us, we have a Heavenly Father who is ready and willing to bless our lives indeed.

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