Sunday, December 29, 2013

Completing The Process

I got so excited when a variety of persons came into my life with different talents or spiritual gifts to assist me in ministry. I felt within myself that I could conquer the world for the glory of God not realizing that I was just at the starting line. Set goals were being accomplished within weeks and the joy that I felt within had me smiling inwardly and outwardly. My joy was accompanied with challenges and at times divers attacks by the enemy, but I overcame them. After a while I began to dream BIG and imagine the places I will travel, the conferences I will have, the books that I will write, etc. I didn't see myself as being self made but rather as one favored by God. Things were looking good and my life was improving. Tasha Cobbs song, 'For Your Glory' became my national anthem.... My spiritual man was saying, "God let's do this!" As quick as the people came into my life, one by one they all left. Tasha Cobbs song was still my national anthem and I still felt like "God let's do this!" However without the help I had before, productivity slowed down and set goals were not as quickly accomplished. What was going on? In the beginning I was clueless. I wanted answers, I needed answers and I wanted to know NOW. I struggled mentally because the mind of my flesh was telling me to call this prophet or that prophet or get a word from here or there. I did not yield because I am not a word hunter, I'm a God chaser. I sat still in a room alone for days, no phone calls, no emails, just inactivity; at least that's what I thought. I want you to know that when the Psalmist said blessed is the man who mediates on His word day and night and delights himself in it, He really meant that - Psalms 1. The Spirit of the Lord spoke to my soul and said, "I'm pruning you." The help that I had, He removed so that I can obtain new helpers or new leaves. Right now my branches are bare, but I am excited. My life is presently experiencing a transition from one glory to another. I find myself once again in a cocoon, awaiting my new wings for a higher flight into a new spiritual dimension. I am writing this blog because I see new buds on my branches and the cocoon is presently falling apart because it can no longer hold me. I am still alone yet in His presence. I am most grateful for all the persons who assisted me in getting here, God saw the need for each of you and a set time for you all to be a part of my life. My process is ending and I want you to know that from hereon my life will never be the same. Share my testimony by listening to the song in this link...please take five minutes to listen and thank you, God bless you ALL.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Naked Truth

My every day struggle is not sexual sins as a married person. My every day struggle is not writer's block as an author. My every day struggle is not kindness or for me to be friendly. My every day struggle is not overcoming a harden heart towards those who've abused me, used me, defamed my name, and did so many other selfish things unto me. Neither is my every day struggle my inability to have a word to decree unto the faithful followers and members of the church. Here is the naked truth - my every day struggle is to not QUIT. Here is my struggle...not quitting! Do I believe that Elohim is Almighty God and the Creator of the universe? YES! Do I believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the only begotten Son of God? YES! I believe in the triune God, the death and resurrection of Christ, heaven and hell, angels and demons. I accept the holy scriptures (bible) is the Word of God for the governing of mankind. In the midst of all of this knowledge and faith, I struggle daily with quitting. I encourage each of you whether you are a member, faithful follower, assistant or lay minister in a local assembly to pray for your spiritual leaders. The measure of mental and emotional attacks that each faithful, called by God, leader of any local assembly experience is beyond your imagination. The naked truth is that we are constantly challenged to be strong in our weaknesses, to lead at times not knowing our destiny, to pray when we are clueless and lost for words. There is more....the naked truth about spiritual leaders also include giving of our depravity, loving out of our pain, covering and protecting characters when we are ridiculed and mocked, helping others when we're left destitute, being a friend to many and yet without friends, comforting the brokenhearted and left alone to deal with our hurt, serving many and yet left undone. I know as a spiritual leader that I am not alone with this struggle. I want you to know the naked truth about ministry and it is this..."It is nothing like what it appears to be from the pulpit!" When the sermon has been concluded and the service has ended, most ministers return to emptiness - this is the naked truth. PRAY FOR ALL SPIRITUAL LEADERS takes more than preparing a sermon to minister unto YOU!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Weekly Online Bible Form


We have started a weekly online bible study to assist those in our following in studying at least one chapter of the bible per week.  If you are interested in participating kindly click the link below and complete the bible study questionnaire.  Link address

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The True Meaning of Christmas

Why get depressed because you were unable to afford a ham and a turkey? Better yet why get depressed because you weren't able to get your children that gift they've always wanted.  You've tried your best to set aside some funds but it just didn't work out as planned.  For some of us it was our inability to purchase that special gift to show our spouses how much we appreciate their loving kindness towards us throughout the year.  While all of the aforementioned are emotions experienced by so many people which will contribute to them feeling either down or depressed, it is not what Christmas is about.

Notwithstanding December, 25th is not a day which we can  prove to be the birth of Jesus, it is the day we have designated to celebrate the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy concerning Emmanuel.  Matthew 1:23 states "...and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."  Isaiah's prophecy disclosed in chapter 7:14 was fulfilled and God came and dwelt among men.  

The holy scriptures tells us that wise men from the East came to the house where the babe was and worshiped the babe and offered unto him gifts from their treasures.  This is  the attitude we must have during the Christmas holidays.  We should be attending the house of God where His Spirit dwells and offering ourselves as gifts unto the Lord and also present our free willing offering unto Him.  But we do know that many will take from their financial treasures and give for so many other reasons, save and except for what they claim to be celebrating, the birth of Jesus.  Christmas is not about ham and turkey, presents for friends and loved ones, Christmas bonuses from employers, Christmas trees, feasts and overspending.  Christmas is about possessing the same attitude of the wise men from the East, which is to worship Jesus, to present unto Him gifts from our treasures and to praise God for the birth of our Savior - Luke 2:13, 14.  

So please do not  get depressed or emotionally overwhelmed with sadness because of the lack of funds or your inability to be likewise occupied with all of the busy activities going on this Christmas holiday.  The true celebration of Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus by sincere worship in Spirit and in truth, giving Elohim God praise and glory and presenting unto God, in His house free will gifts from your treasures.  May you all have a blessed Christmas and may you experience the true meaning of this holiday - God being in the midst of you.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

DECISIONS (from Situations a poetry book by Tanya E. Munroe)

Nothing just happen, you didn't just happen
neither did I
Life is what we make it, though many will
deny that this is true
If we choose to partake in what occurs in our lives
or even if we choose to ignore it
Life is what we make it
Either through ignorance or knowledge

We need to make the best decisions for ourselves
For time cannot be redeemed
Many times our choice to ignore is our
choice to waste time
We must maximize the moment and embrace all
things that may come our way
For the negative things will manifest our
strengths or our weaknesses
The positive will encourage us to move on
But whatever may come our way
Whether love or hatred
Whether joy or pain
Whether riches or poverty 
Life is all about the decisions that we make 

Copyright by Tanya E. Munroe
Taken from SITUATIONS, published 26th August, 2013.

Order your copy at:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


If you were given the opportunity to explain in five minutes why you are Christian, what would be your answer?  If you are unable to do so in five minutes then you're probably following  a faith blindly. It would surprise you the many vague and religious responses that would be given.

If you were asked why you attend your local assembly's services weekly, what would be your answer? Some would say that they grew up attending worship services and prayer meetings. Others would say that they have nothing else to do and wanted to get out of their homes.  Some would say that they like the ambiance and the entertainment.  Shockingly many  are there looking for their spouses, people who they assume are up for grabs.  There would be various reasons and many would exclude that it is a house of prayer and a place of true worship. 

Why are so many people's heart so hard and they refuse to forgive?  Why is there so little sincere friends, whole families, demonstration of love and kindness.  Selfishness in this world that we live in is overwhelming.  People hardly smile, seldom greet each other and no longer know who are their neighbors.  So many are existing in their own world, lonely, hurting, confused and lost.

Why do people do the things that they do?  Why do people do so many  wrong things  knowing that such conduct is offensive to their fellow man and also unto Elohim God?  Why do spouses have extra marital affairs? Why do fathers abandon their children and mothers raise mamma's boys?  Why do Pastors and other spiritual leaders water down the word of God to please and soothe their parishioners?  Why do faithful followers and members of a local assembly disrespect their spiritual leaders and view themselves as being equal in authority?  Why do so many people view spiritual leaders as thieves and refuse to tithe notwithstanding the bible instructs for ten percent to be freely given.  

Why do you treat God the way that you do?  Why do you attend church, pray and financially contribute and thereafter feel that God is obligated to bless you?  When are we as a people regardless of our spiritual status going to allow Elohim God to be God and realize that He deserves reverence.  Have we become so full of ourselves that we can now be a law for ourselves.  We have our own opinions, our own expectations, our own view of spirituality, but please note in spite of this, God has His standard.  Regardless of our reasons why you and I do the things we do, we will be equally judged according to the holy scriptures and what is required of us by Almighty God.  Ask yourself every now and then....WHY

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Covetousness Is On The Prowl

December is usually a month when toys and electronic gadgets, new vehicles and homes and extension on loans are advertised.  With so many things being flashed across our eyes while watching television and deposited into our hearing while listening to the radio, it is a GREAT challenge for us all to maintain our focus.  

Truly the negative spirit and passion of covetousness is active beyond measure and our acknowledgement.  Because many will be asked "What do you want for Christmas?" covetousness will override rational thinking.  Many will covet this thing, that thing, what their neighbours have, what their co-workers got last month or what one of their relatives recently obtained.  It is not a need and for most it is not so much a sincere desire but rather the negative passion and evil spirit of covetousness; and such passion is only for you to keep up with whats going on.  

This upcoming season will be a snare for many especially those who are lazy and possess a covetous spirit.  Proverbs 21:25, 26 - The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.  He covets greedily all day long, but the righteous gives and does not spare. Many people want to obtain so much which they refuse to labor for and such are they of a covetous spirit and heart.  How much greater will the hearts of many including the Christians be ensnared by this passion during the Christmas holidays.  What you see is what you want and what you hear is what you also desire.  Luke 12:15 - And He (Jesus) said to them, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."

May you this Christmas season please remember that it is about the birth of our Saviour and not the gifts, the food or any other thing that you have on your agenda.  It is about mending broken relationships as God did with mankind by sending His only begotten Son for the redemption of our souls.  Restore whatever broken marriage, friendship, relationship with your neighbour, spiritual leader, co-worker or whomsoever there has been broken fellowship and discord.  Let not this evil passion of covetousness contribute to a broken marriage, broken friendship or any broken relationship in your life.  Your life does not consist of the abundance of the things you possess or can obtain but rather the abundance of love you are able to bestow upon those persons whom you encounter daily.  Guard your heart and the gates to your soul (eyes and ears) from things that will provoke you to inhabit the evil passion and spirit of covetousness. Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5.   

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Probably I Should

Probably I should take some time out and examine my life to see where I've veered off from my plans.  This will enable me to understand my areas of compromise and also the areas in which I was so easily distracted. After so doing I will be able to become more focused, put up a better fight and accomplish my set goals in life. 

Probably I should be more receptive to constructive criticism because too often I deceive myself about who I am.  If there is one thing that I truly am ignorant of, it  is the message that  I am sending to others by my lifestyle.  Notwithstanding some will wrongfully discern me and  misunderstand what is being perceived, at least I will have some idea of how my life and conduct look in the eyes of others. 

Probably I should cease from wasting my funds on the pleasures of this life, electronics and every new gadget that comes along.  I should consider investing in orphans and widows, investing in the Kingdom of God, investing in the lives of those less fortunate than myself.  I am most certain that if I begin to do this my funds would have been well spent. 

Probably it is time for me to acknowledge the years of mercy, Elohim's loving kindness towards me, answered prayers, shelter and soundness of mind and all of the other things I took for granted.  I have had the person who should have been the most significant in my life, struggling for first priority because of all the other things and probabilities which I have been pursuing.  Probably I should just forget all about me and focus on my Heavenly Father, the one true and living  God who, if I never execute any other probability once I've done this, my life would be most fulfilled and my spiritual purpose accomplished.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Who Told You?

It is so amazing how people expect so many different things to occur in their lives after accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Too often the new life in Christ has been misrepresented.  Yes we as ministers of the gospel do have a strong desire to see souls come into the Kingdom of God.  The question is, "At what cost?" 

Truly this erred expectancy is basically as the result of the misrepresentation of the good news.  Who told you that you had the right to water down scriptural truths to increase your church membership?  Do you not know that such misrepresentation of the word of God has contributed to so many having the wrong expectancy of God in their lives?

Read and understand - Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. - 2 Timothy 4:2.  It is the equal responsibility of the Christian follower and Christian Minister to obey this command.  Faith for many came as the result of  them hearing something misunderstood by a fellow Christian or Spiritual Leader.  On the contrary there are those who  intentionally misrepresent the holy scriptures to their audience for the purpose of having control.  This erroneous act has caused so many to view God outside of His holy character.  Elohim is now viewed and esteemed as Mr. Fix It or Mr. Do It rather than Almighty God.  

Who told you? Who is that wolf in sheep clothing who persuaded you that ALL will be well once committing your life to Christ?  Who told you that all of  your debts will be paid and God will give you a comfortable, prosperous life if you cease living as husband and wife outside of a marriage covenant?  Who told you not to worry about it, God understands your struggles?  Who told you to continue in the unequally yoked relationship because of the child that was born and that eventually the individual will convert to your faith? Who told you that this did not matter or that did not matter when you've read otherwise in the holy scriptures?  I encourage you to release yourself from the WHO and replace it with WHAT and when you do this, this will be your foundation for pleasing your Heavenly Father - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;  and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In ALL of thine ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths - Proverbs 3:5, 6.