Sunday, December 1, 2013

Who Told You?

It is so amazing how people expect so many different things to occur in their lives after accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Too often the new life in Christ has been misrepresented.  Yes we as ministers of the gospel do have a strong desire to see souls come into the Kingdom of God.  The question is, "At what cost?" 

Truly this erred expectancy is basically as the result of the misrepresentation of the good news.  Who told you that you had the right to water down scriptural truths to increase your church membership?  Do you not know that such misrepresentation of the word of God has contributed to so many having the wrong expectancy of God in their lives?

Read and understand - Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. - 2 Timothy 4:2.  It is the equal responsibility of the Christian follower and Christian Minister to obey this command.  Faith for many came as the result of  them hearing something misunderstood by a fellow Christian or Spiritual Leader.  On the contrary there are those who  intentionally misrepresent the holy scriptures to their audience for the purpose of having control.  This erroneous act has caused so many to view God outside of His holy character.  Elohim is now viewed and esteemed as Mr. Fix It or Mr. Do It rather than Almighty God.  

Who told you? Who is that wolf in sheep clothing who persuaded you that ALL will be well once committing your life to Christ?  Who told you that all of  your debts will be paid and God will give you a comfortable, prosperous life if you cease living as husband and wife outside of a marriage covenant?  Who told you not to worry about it, God understands your struggles?  Who told you to continue in the unequally yoked relationship because of the child that was born and that eventually the individual will convert to your faith? Who told you that this did not matter or that did not matter when you've read otherwise in the holy scriptures?  I encourage you to release yourself from the WHO and replace it with WHAT and when you do this, this will be your foundation for pleasing your Heavenly Father - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;  and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In ALL of thine ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths - Proverbs 3:5, 6. 

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