Tuesday, December 17, 2013


If you were given the opportunity to explain in five minutes why you are Christian, what would be your answer?  If you are unable to do so in five minutes then you're probably following  a faith blindly. It would surprise you the many vague and religious responses that would be given.

If you were asked why you attend your local assembly's services weekly, what would be your answer? Some would say that they grew up attending worship services and prayer meetings. Others would say that they have nothing else to do and wanted to get out of their homes.  Some would say that they like the ambiance and the entertainment.  Shockingly many  are there looking for their spouses, people who they assume are up for grabs.  There would be various reasons and many would exclude that it is a house of prayer and a place of true worship. 

Why are so many people's heart so hard and they refuse to forgive?  Why is there so little sincere friends, whole families, demonstration of love and kindness.  Selfishness in this world that we live in is overwhelming.  People hardly smile, seldom greet each other and no longer know who are their neighbors.  So many are existing in their own world, lonely, hurting, confused and lost.

Why do people do the things that they do?  Why do people do so many  wrong things  knowing that such conduct is offensive to their fellow man and also unto Elohim God?  Why do spouses have extra marital affairs? Why do fathers abandon their children and mothers raise mamma's boys?  Why do Pastors and other spiritual leaders water down the word of God to please and soothe their parishioners?  Why do faithful followers and members of a local assembly disrespect their spiritual leaders and view themselves as being equal in authority?  Why do so many people view spiritual leaders as thieves and refuse to tithe notwithstanding the bible instructs for ten percent to be freely given.  

Why do you treat God the way that you do?  Why do you attend church, pray and financially contribute and thereafter feel that God is obligated to bless you?  When are we as a people regardless of our spiritual status going to allow Elohim God to be God and realize that He deserves reverence.  Have we become so full of ourselves that we can now be a law for ourselves.  We have our own opinions, our own expectations, our own view of spirituality, but please note in spite of this, God has His standard.  Regardless of our reasons why you and I do the things we do, we will be equally judged according to the holy scriptures and what is required of us by Almighty God.  Ask yourself every now and then....WHY

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