Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Probably I Should

Probably I should take some time out and examine my life to see where I've veered off from my plans.  This will enable me to understand my areas of compromise and also the areas in which I was so easily distracted. After so doing I will be able to become more focused, put up a better fight and accomplish my set goals in life. 

Probably I should be more receptive to constructive criticism because too often I deceive myself about who I am.  If there is one thing that I truly am ignorant of, it  is the message that  I am sending to others by my lifestyle.  Notwithstanding some will wrongfully discern me and  misunderstand what is being perceived, at least I will have some idea of how my life and conduct look in the eyes of others. 

Probably I should cease from wasting my funds on the pleasures of this life, electronics and every new gadget that comes along.  I should consider investing in orphans and widows, investing in the Kingdom of God, investing in the lives of those less fortunate than myself.  I am most certain that if I begin to do this my funds would have been well spent. 

Probably it is time for me to acknowledge the years of mercy, Elohim's loving kindness towards me, answered prayers, shelter and soundness of mind and all of the other things I took for granted.  I have had the person who should have been the most significant in my life, struggling for first priority because of all the other things and probabilities which I have been pursuing.  Probably I should just forget all about me and focus on my Heavenly Father, the one true and living  God who, if I never execute any other probability once I've done this, my life would be most fulfilled and my spiritual purpose accomplished.  

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