Saturday, December 21, 2013

The True Meaning of Christmas

Why get depressed because you were unable to afford a ham and a turkey? Better yet why get depressed because you weren't able to get your children that gift they've always wanted.  You've tried your best to set aside some funds but it just didn't work out as planned.  For some of us it was our inability to purchase that special gift to show our spouses how much we appreciate their loving kindness towards us throughout the year.  While all of the aforementioned are emotions experienced by so many people which will contribute to them feeling either down or depressed, it is not what Christmas is about.

Notwithstanding December, 25th is not a day which we can  prove to be the birth of Jesus, it is the day we have designated to celebrate the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy concerning Emmanuel.  Matthew 1:23 states "...and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."  Isaiah's prophecy disclosed in chapter 7:14 was fulfilled and God came and dwelt among men.  

The holy scriptures tells us that wise men from the East came to the house where the babe was and worshiped the babe and offered unto him gifts from their treasures.  This is  the attitude we must have during the Christmas holidays.  We should be attending the house of God where His Spirit dwells and offering ourselves as gifts unto the Lord and also present our free willing offering unto Him.  But we do know that many will take from their financial treasures and give for so many other reasons, save and except for what they claim to be celebrating, the birth of Jesus.  Christmas is not about ham and turkey, presents for friends and loved ones, Christmas bonuses from employers, Christmas trees, feasts and overspending.  Christmas is about possessing the same attitude of the wise men from the East, which is to worship Jesus, to present unto Him gifts from our treasures and to praise God for the birth of our Savior - Luke 2:13, 14.  

So please do not  get depressed or emotionally overwhelmed with sadness because of the lack of funds or your inability to be likewise occupied with all of the busy activities going on this Christmas holiday.  The true celebration of Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus by sincere worship in Spirit and in truth, giving Elohim God praise and glory and presenting unto God, in His house free will gifts from your treasures.  May you all have a blessed Christmas and may you experience the true meaning of this holiday - God being in the midst of you.  

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