Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Don't Get Caught Up

     "But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" - Matthew 15:8.

     Usually around this time most persons get caught up with tradition and religion.  Easter is a religious holiday, enforced and enacted by man.  Notwithstanding it is a very good yearly practice to reflect on the death and resurrection of our Saviour, He never told us to remember it or celebrate it.

     There are two significant things that is required of us as Christians to remember and they are as follows:-
      Remember the Sabbath  day, to keep it holy - Exodus 20:8.  This is for the purpose of reminding us of creation and that Elohim did not speedily created the world and after so doing, He rested.  We must enforce this example that Elohim has given unto us.  We must live balanced lives and embrace the appointed and assigned day for rest.

     Secondly we are told to remember the following:-
     And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me - Luke 22:19.

     If we sincerely want to show our gratitude for the redemption of our souls through our acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives, we must start with obeying the commandments of God and not the traditions of men.  The observance of Easter has been a religious practice for decades and the ignoring of the holy scriptures has experience the same.

     I admonish you to endeavor to keep the commandments of God and not  so much the traditions of men, the commandments of men and religion.  Observing the aforesaid will not position you to hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." simply because it is not something that Elohim requires of you.

     Don't get caught up with the hot cross buns, the ash on your foreheads, the Easter March with someone carrying a cross, the fish and bread, etc.  These are all good religious practices but not what Elohim told us to do as an appreciation for Him offering His only begotten Son as payment for our sins.  We have become caught up with religion and inadvertently over the years drifted away from spiritual relationship.

     Except our righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, we cannot become kingdom citizens - Matthew 5:20.  Righteousness is living in compliance with  the holy scriptures and Easter celebration is the tradition of men and religion.  When Easter has passed, would you  still remember the cross, the sacrifice, the payment made for your sins. When Easter is gone will you still desire to do that which is right in accordance to the holy scriptures.  When Easter is gone, will you still want to attend the House of God, sing praises unto Him and have fellowship with the saints.  Easter is traditional, its religious. Righteous living is something we must do daily.  Don't get caught up, but rather  become focused on what matters most.

     "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.  For laying aside the commandments of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.  And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandments of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." - Mark 7:7.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013


When are people going to understand that living the sweetheart life is nothing more than an IMITATION of what God really what's  them to experience in the sacred covenant of marriage.  The sweetheart life is nothing more than a lie and both persons are being deceptive to the other.  Because of the compromise, none can fully trust and both find themselves continuously looking over their shoulders for the judgment or failure that follows.  If you've been someone's sweetheart for a lengthy period of time, you have  been caught in the snare of a deceptive relationship... This is not the will of God for your life, it is the plan of the devil for the destruction of your soul and the deprivation of God's good and perfect will for you. You are worth more than  being someone's sexual playmate and your life's value is exceedingly beyond another person's sinful and immoral pleasures.

Too often we focus on the here and now and not on the consequences of our actions.  I have heard many persons say that the sweetheart life is a bitter/sweet life.  Sweet for a while and bitter for an extensive period of time.  It is not until one recognizes the level of immorality they have subjected themselves to, that they are able to realize how  cheap the person views them and how much they have been taken advantage of  just to experience a moment of  pleasure.  There is something better than a borrowed mate, let go and allow God to bless you with that special person who is comparable to the wonderful person you are.  Why settle for the imitation when you can have the real thing.  Why invest in a borrowed product when you can invest in your own.  A wise investment is not putting your money in a rental but in that which belongs to you.  If he/she is married you are simply wasting your youth, your money, your time, your emotions and your life on something that awaits the judgment of God.

Become a Partner with us today.  For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are You Sure?

There are so many people living their lives not being sure about  their purpose.  So many who have jobs and are not sure if the place where they are employed is the profession that they want.  This scenario also applies to thousands of persons who attend church services every week. They are not sure that they are following the right faith, attending the right church or following the right spiritual leader.  If you are not sure about the things which you are doing to bring about a positive effect in your life... take some time out and examine your actions.  If you are in doubt about the person you're dating, this is an indication that there is an unrest, an absence of trust and a void which the individual is not filling. If you are still unsettled as it relates to your place of worship then you are either in the wrong  faith, following the wrong type of spiritual ministry i.e. prophetic, evangelistic, etc. or following the wrong spiritual leader.  If  your job is a dead end and there is little to no hope for improvement or promotion.... its time to leave.  Uncertainties are indications that we need to examine our lives to ensure that the areas of unrest or doubt are answered or filled.  Ignoring the things about our lives which creates or contributes to doubt only causes such things to become more effective in our lives in a negative manner.  Practice brings about perfection and ignoring an issue contributes to the thing becoming stronger.  If you are not sure, make an effort to answer the uncertainties and doubts concerning your life.... this will be one of the best decisions that you've made for yourself, next to your acceptance of  a new life in Jesus Christ. 

Become a Partner with us today.  For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.  Become a Partner today..... a ministry that provides the unadulterated word of God.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What Do You Put Your Trust In

The average person whom this question is presented to would normally refer to a dear friend, spouse or family member without hesitation or thinking twice. Webster's Dictionary defines the word "trust" as: "dependence on something future or contingent : hope". We can more easily put our trust and hope in things that are visible and tangible. Sadly though, the people that we trust are capable of error and are not at the least infallible; as are the things made by their hands.

As human beings we are hard wired to be drawn to believe in and to trust in something other than our own instincts. Which, for this reason is why we were not designed to live outside of the will of God (Elohim). The more exposure to worldly things we allow ourselves, the more vulnerable and receptive our minds become to  the world's system and definition of what knowledge is.

Elohim doesn't want us to trust in the things of this world as ALL of it is perishable. However, trusting in Him can give you much more peace of mind when you come to the knowledge of who He is. The mere fact that He cannot fail, He is NOT like man and in Him is eternal life should be just enough to turn your focus from perishable trust to the eternal trust.

Mrs. Yolanda Turnquest
Media Department
Word Alive Ministries International

Become a Partner with us today.  For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.  There is plenty of spiritual knowledge here at Word Alive Ministries International for you to encounter.  Partner with us and let Word Alive Ministries International help you get to your next level in spiritual knowledge.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Shopping Cart

How often do we go to the Food Store to purchase the groceries which we need and find ourselves with items which were not on our list neither in our budget. Life for us is just like going to the Food Store, we find ourselves picking up things and people who we have no room in our lives for.

We so often make ourselves available to persons who only after giving them a listening ear, they have deposited so much garbage into our hearing. Stuff we really do not need in our shopping carts (our spiritual man). The same applies to places where we go for recreation, music played in the store, in a park or in the vicinity where we are and notwithstanding we are not attentively listening, we discover later on  during that day  the songs are continuously playing in our minds.

Every day we will encounter people, hear things, see things that we did not intend to experience. What should we do when this happens? First of all to properly handle this situation you would need discipline. It is just like going to the Food Store. If it is two for the price of one or just discounted, if it is not on our grocery list, then it should not be in our shopping carts. This is an act of discipline.

This discipline is also applicable to our lives. We must learn to put back those things that we find in our shopping carts (spiritual man) which do not belong there. Burdens that people dumped on us,  we must  learn to immediately dump them on the Lord. Negative words which were spoken into our hearing we must arrest and pull down and cast out from our minds - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Negative words spoken against us, our spouses, our children or our family, we must immediately condemn - Isaiah 54:17. When we have things in our shopping carts that do not belong there, we spend tomorrow's money in the natural. However in the spiritual when we have things in our shopping carts that don't belong there we effect tomorrow's joy, tomorrow's peace, tomorrow's praise.

Let us learn to guard our hearts and minds with diligence and do our best not to have items in our shopping carts that will tamper with our spiritual growth. Unnecessary items in our shopping carts are like the sin and weight that can so easily beset us - Hebrews 12:1. Check your shopping cart, items might be therein which are slowing you down and negatively effecting your spiritual life.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

Become a Partner with us today. For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe. There much more spiritual knowledge at Word Alive Ministries International for you to encounter. 

I Believe I Can.

There are so many people who have such great dreams and have thoroughly worked out a plan in their minds.  After sharing their dreams with their family and friends, sadly most of their responses were negative.  You may have also experienced such response from those who you expected to share your joy......I have.

I can recall so many of my dreams after being shared with loved ones and friends, it was to them nothing more than a mountain that I could not climb.  I hope that you was just as strong as I was to stand notwithstanding they could not appreciate my/your dream.  I have come to realize that the ONLY person who really need to believe in the dream, is the dreamer.  Joseph was mocked by his brothers, likewise Jesus; for many He was nothing more than the carpenter's son.  Neither Joseph or Jesus allowed the response of others to kill their purpose or dream.

I believe that regardless of those who do not believe that I can, I know that I am able.  I believe that I possess the authority to condemn every tongue that rise up against me in judgment.  Believe that you can and be fully persuaded that it is more important to have the strength of God than many nay sayers.  It is far more important to believe that the power invested and entrusted to you is all you need to bring that dream into reality.

Abraham believed that he could and he did with the assistance and guidance of God.  Noah believed that it was going to rain although it never happened before and he was unable to explain what it is.  You may not be able to explain each stage and every step and that is alright as long as you continue to believe that you can.  In spite of it all I believe I can and I hope you do also.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

Become a Partner with us today. Help us provide encouraging words unto so many other souls. For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.  


God has given us a very precious and special gift.  We were given the gift of eternal life through our acceptance of the Lordship of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  Upon accepting this gift,  God as another act of His divine love towards us  offered you and I  many other gifts.  These additional gifts were given by His Holy Spirit.  We were given the gift of speaking in tongues, working of miracles, faith, discernment, wisdom, etc.  We are offered an overflow of His divine love.  Sadly, many have rejected so great measure of our Heavenly Father's love and others have placed little to no value on the gifts which they've received.  Those who have rejected His gift of love, seek love in all of the wrong places and by all the wrong means as their attempt to fill the voids in their lives. Many who have accepted His gift of love have so greatly devalued it and taken His Son for granted. Others have appreciated  the gift of love and upon receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, became full of pride and selfishness.  Rather than using their spiritual gifts for the perfecting and edifying of the body of Christ, they use it to receive personal worship and praise from others.  The gifts that God offers to you and I is first to teach us how to reciprocate His love. Secondly it is to teach us how to love each other and live in harmony.  What are you doing with the gift(s) that Jehovah God has offered or given unto you? 
Tanya E. Munroe Apostolic Teacher

Whose Sins Are They?

I can recall myself having examined my life from time to time with the attempt to discover why I have struggles in certain areas.  I found myself fighting or warding off thoughts that I knew was in complete contrast to who I am.  Temptations that back then, to my lack of knowledge was deemed as coming from nowhere.

I often times prayed seeking for strength to close the door, notwithstanding I had no knowledge of how it got opened or who opened it.  One day, after experiencing such struggles for a lengthy period of time, the Holy Spirit gave me a profound revelation.  My struggles and bizarre temptations were not as the result of my sins or compromises, they were the result of my parents and grandparents sins.

Learn this very important truth.....whatever your parents or ancestors have failed to overcome becomes your challenges or struggles.  Whatever sins, and evil doings that your parents or grandparents thought they got away with, is being repeated in your life, in another generation with greater challenges.  This is the truth that was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit.......what a relief!   I no  longer needed to repeatedly pray about bizarre temptations and challenges that appear to come from nowhere or out of the blue.  I now pray with the understanding. My prayers are now words of knowledge.

If you find yourself struggling like I did in the past having to ward off bizarre temptations, or challenged with overcoming struggles that you know are in complete contrast to who you are, pray for the release of the strongholds that were handed down by your parents, grandparents or ancestors.  Ask Elohim to forgive your parents, grandparents and ancestor for their compromises, evil actions and sins.  Pray for deliverance, it was not your sins, but it has become  your test.  What our parents have failed to overcome, is now our duty to defeat.  Let that sin, that challenge, that struggle end with you.  Defeat it, conquer  it and prevent it from continuing in your lineage.  You and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us....be encouraged....Elohim still loves you  and understands your struggles......It was not your sins!

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

Becoming a Partner with us today and help provide encouraging words to so many other souls in need. For a monthly sum of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.  

Invest In Your Ministry

As individuals in the body of Christ, we have been invested with spiritual gifts.  These gifts which Elohim God has entrusted in us is not for you and I to use at our convenience, neither is it for us to use for our personal glory.  When we become knowledgeable of what is required of us in service to our local assemblies  and also unto our Heavenly Father, it is our responsibility to make the necessary changes in our lives to walk worthy of the vocation in which we have been called - Ephesians 4:1.  Too often followers of Christ sit down on the seat of do nothing and fail and/or refuse to use their spiritual gifts for the Kingdom of God.

It is our spiritual duty and responsibility to invest in our ministry.  We do this by ensuring that we serve our local assemblies/place of worship and Elohim, God at the standard which He requires of us.  Sadly these gifts are used more worldly than spiritually and the body of Christ is left destitute of the necessary services and gifted persons to enable it to function in the capacity which God has ordained.  We all as believers must strive to live our lives beyond selfishness and invest in our ministry for the glory of God, rather than the praise of man or self glory.  Investing in our ministry is not for you and I to use our spiritual gifts for the world but rather for God and the smooth operation of services in our local assemblies.  I encourage you, no matter what your spiritual gifts are, whether it is Usher, Psalmist, Media, Secretary, Drummer, etc.  serve the body of Christ and Elohim, God to the best of your ability. Look beyond your personal desires and seek the desires and will of God concerning your life.  The best investment that you can make is to invest in your ministry for ONLY  that which is done for Christ will last.  Be encouraged, the body of Christ still awaits your humbly service.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

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Become a Partner with us today. For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more Apostle Mrs. Munroe will send you a monthly teaching CD and WAM Magazine.  There is lots of more spiritual word available for you at Word Alive Ministries International!.  Join us today and let us empower you with spiritual knowledge.

Wasted Time

I was thinking about my life lately and came to a very deep realization.  I realized how much of my time was dedicated to things and people which left my life unfulfilled.  I reflected on the amount of people I dedicated  my time to who did not appreciate it, those who  had no regard for the sacrifice which needed to be made and those who thought I had nothing better to do.  I also reflected on  those who habitually thought I had to wait until they were ready to assist or avail themselves to me in  my time of NEED and those who were habitually late whenever there was a time for us to meet.  So much of my time was wasted on people who thought very little of the person who I am and the time I have made available to them on numerous occasions.

There are so many things that we all dedicate our time towards and these things are unproductive and unfruitful.  Time goes by so quickly and we don't realize it until years later and there is little to nothing accomplished.  Some of us are wasting our time in painful, disappointing relationships.  Others are dedicating themselves to so-called friends who are only users or controlled by jealousy. There are those who are wasting time in abusive relationships and with people who negatively effect their self esteem.

It is time for us all to put an end to wasting time.  This day, we will never see again and what transpires within the day can not be undone.  So we must cease from wasting our time with people and things that profits us nothing. We must strive to desist from dead works, meaningless relationships and place a value on our time. When you and I fail to value our time and ourselves, we will often times find ourselves being taken advantage of or being devalued by others.  Know your self worth and know the value of your time and make an effort to stop wasting time.  Yesterday is gone forever, today is here to be embraced and maximized and tomorrow is our hope for the better. Don't waste time but rather use it and give it to people and things that will be fulfilling and profitable.

Apostle Tanya Garland-Munroe

Order today KNOWING AND NOT BECOMING @ www.wordaliveministriesinternational.org.  Become a Partner with us today and receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe for a monthly seed of $25.00 or more.  Join us today!

The Issues

So often we become distracted with the issues of life which the devil throws at us.  This usually happens immediately before we can come into something of great significance in our lives.  We must discipline ourselves to become watchful because the devil is extremely busy in his efforts to distort our view of life.  Without recognizing it, we often times live our daily lives not taking note of the significant things which we have failed to acknowledge. We become overwhelmed with the minute issues of the day which without a struggle is usually successful in distracting us or luring us away from fulfilling God's purpose for our lives.  Beginning today, we should challenge ourselves to inquire of God about His divine purpose in each day which He extends towards us.  Life is not about focusing on the distracting issues which comes at us daily.  Life is about seeking God's divine will in each day notwithstanding the presence of the issues.  Once discovering our purpose, we are now empowered to redirect our focus and overcome the issues of distraction.  What about the issues?  Its just another attempt by the devil to lure you and I away from living fulfilling lives daily.  We have a purpose to fulfill in each day that we live. Let us discover it, pursue it and finally accomplish it for God's glory.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

Check out our teaching CD library at WWW.wordaliveministriesinternational.org.  Become a Partner today and help us provide encouraging words to so many other souls.  For a monthly seed of $25.00 or more you will receive WAM Magazine and a monthly teaching CD by Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe.  Join us today and allow us to empower you  and so many others with deeper spiritual knowledge about the word of God.