Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are You Sure?

There are so many people living their lives not being sure about  their purpose.  So many who have jobs and are not sure if the place where they are employed is the profession that they want.  This scenario also applies to thousands of persons who attend church services every week. They are not sure that they are following the right faith, attending the right church or following the right spiritual leader.  If you are not sure about the things which you are doing to bring about a positive effect in your life... take some time out and examine your actions.  If you are in doubt about the person you're dating, this is an indication that there is an unrest, an absence of trust and a void which the individual is not filling. If you are still unsettled as it relates to your place of worship then you are either in the wrong  faith, following the wrong type of spiritual ministry i.e. prophetic, evangelistic, etc. or following the wrong spiritual leader.  If  your job is a dead end and there is little to no hope for improvement or promotion.... its time to leave.  Uncertainties are indications that we need to examine our lives to ensure that the areas of unrest or doubt are answered or filled.  Ignoring the things about our lives which creates or contributes to doubt only causes such things to become more effective in our lives in a negative manner.  Practice brings about perfection and ignoring an issue contributes to the thing becoming stronger.  If you are not sure, make an effort to answer the uncertainties and doubts concerning your life.... this will be one of the best decisions that you've made for yourself, next to your acceptance of  a new life in Jesus Christ. 

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